Thursday, June 26, 2008


DC vs. Heller... the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm. YES. Yes, it does!

I feel a little like this...

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.



Anonymous said...

As Craig Ferguson would say; It's a great day in America!

JD said...

Off topic but had to say two thumbs up for the new pic of you at the range. . . . looking good. . . .

Anonymous said...

The free, law-abiding citizenry of this country is the first-line militia being necessary to the security of this free State. We are the People who have a creator-given right to protect our liberty via keeping and bearing arms. This government shall not infringe on this freedom.

The concept of a universal militia, consisting of all free people bearing their own arms, originated in England many generations ago. Madison did not invent the right to keep and bear arms when he drafted the Second Amendment - the right was pre-existing at both common law and in the early state constitutions. But the Founders of this country saw this concept as so important that they put it down in writing, no less important that the rights of free speech and free worship.

Still and all, I am well-pleased with this decision from the nation’s highest court. Now maybe the local tin-horn dictators (commonly known as mayors and councilpersons) will back off and allow law-abiding citizens to defend themselves from the plague of crime that they have helped empower.

Anonymous said...

I am concerned that it was a 5-4 split. What basis is there for a dissent? I can see only two: the 2A does not confirm an individual right, or it does, subject to "common sense" restrictions which include the DC ban.

If the former, then we are still in a precarious situation, despite having stepped back somewhat from the precipice. If the latter, I'm hard pressed to see how what is in effect a total ban is "common sense."

I can see the Bradys' being secretly pleased with this outcome, for one SCOTUS appointment by Obama and it's, to quote Dianne Feinstein, "turn 'em in, Mr. and Mrs .America."

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be more excited. The close split is worrysome (though no, one more appointment wouldn't put the cat back in the bag). And this really doesn't change anything anywhere but in DC. It gives us a tool for changing things. But our next president will probably be a man who makes Hillary look like L. Neil Smith when it domes to guns. The fight has just begun!

Anonymous said...

I am beyond excited about this decision! I live in The People's Republic of Maryland and I'm just 30 miles north of D.C. It definitely feels like a victory to all the pro-2A people here.

Anonymous said...

I second JD.

If you get two OT comments, does that make them ON topic?

Just wonderin'.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

That video is chock full of awesome.

Especially India.

rremington said...

I could just picture folks in Chicago, San Fran., LA, and DC doing the Happy Dance!!

Is it just me or is the sky just a wee bit bluer today?

Anonymous said...

I did a little dance when I heard that.

Anonymous said...

All I can say Yippie! tempered with a stern realization that debate is only going to become more intense now that opponents of the 2nd amendment have finally come against a wall. Expect a renesaince of entrenching and fortification, and renewed assaults from those who above all else just can't tollerate the idea that someone else might have the capacity to individually resist unlawful force or predation.