Sunday, March 9, 2008

digging out

15 inches of snow here yesterday. Drifts are as high as 3 feet in some places - like in my driveway, specifically.

We don't own a snowblower.

We just spent hours shoveling. I think my muscles will stop working any minute now, so blogging might be delayed.

The Can't...lift...arms. Ow.

I'm going to go whimper somewhere.


  1. haha, i remember the last time we got slammed with snow that's been almost 10 years, but i DO recall it took us all day to dig out the majority of the court.

    then the plow came through. 12 hours AFTER someone in the court had to take her kid to the emergency room.

  2. I got a plug-in electric snowblower a couple years ago at a garage sale for $10. It is a pain in the neck to get going--It is stored in the garage in back, so I have to blow a sidewalk I normally wouldn't clear to get it to the front. Then I have to move the extension cord out the front door or front window. Finally I can use the snow blower where I want it. Usually it is easier to just shovel by hand.

    Not this time...It has more than paid for itself.

  3. HAHAHAHA...
    Silly girl.
    Come to NH to see how to deal with the "white death".

    Love yer stuff- it's a daily read...

  4. I had to put on a flannel shirt to go outside today and mow the lawn.

  5. We had one of those in Avon Lake last year. I had drifts that covered my windows. I had to shovel a path just so Yogi could go out to potty.

    Stay in and stay warm. Hot buttered rum might help those sore muscles.

    We got lucky and it missed Indy completely.

  6. It got up to 70 degrees here...

    *ducks for cover*

    Hope your soreness is momentary!

    (massage? :))

  7. It was kinda of weird the storm came out of the south west, but we had a fairly steady wind out of the north, so it didn't get real deep, & the driveway looked passable, but there was a huge drift to get the cars clear, & by the time I had most of the drift dug out A neighbor showed up with a plow & cleared the driveway, but the road didn't open till Sunday


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