Monday, October 10, 2011

welcome to the party

righteous indignation and requisite glasses

Oh, honey, I know! Isn't it just awful?

That's why I started marching all the way back in 2009.


  1. My wife DOES like her glasses...

  2. YOU don't count, you member of the Vast-Right Wing, Palin Loving, Gun Toting Evil Capitalist Reactionaries! Only those who believe in "Hope and Change" have Freedom of Speech! When the Revolution Comes, and the Re-Education Camps are Opened, we'll see who gets to keep spouting that Anti-Socialist Drivel! ; )

    Seriously, she's probably a Union Rep getting paid Triple Time to be there.

  3. I cannot tell if she's wearing a pencil skirt.....

  4. Are you saying she might be a Librarian Impersonator?

  5. Perhaps Alan. There's no pigtails either and no impish grin.

  6. No, Alan, she's the real thing. A more parasitical profession I hope never to see. And I are one!

  7. They cuffed and stuffed our protestors in Des Moines last night. Heh. I first read about it on ARF dot com- not a member, but our local section is active enough to read once every couple of days. Some of my local lib activist FB friends (seriously activist, run political lobbyist groups) are all pissy about it. Heh heh.

  8. So Breda, are you saying you marched before marching was mainstream?


  9. A gun-toting, hipster librarian marching in defense (or, at least, demonstration) of freedom...?

    I like it!
    (why is The Vandal's "I've Got an Idea for a Movie" playing in my head right now?)

  10. You DO have hipster glasses though. ;)


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