I found this on CNN...a witness who hid in a jewelry store during the Omaha shooting said,"Now I know what it felt like at Virginia Tech, just waiting for your turn." She had no choice but to hide, like a hunted prey animal. It makes me angry, and scared, and sick.
I want to say, right now, that I am not going to be prey.
Not for anyone, not anymore.
I want more than ever to carry the means to defend my life. Force will be met with force. It happened in Omaha, Nebraska. It happened in my hometown. It can happen anywhere.
It may be a little early for resolutions, but I am going to get my CCW in 2008. No more putting it off. I think I may ask for donations to the "Breda Defense Fund" this year, in lieu of Christmas gifts.
Good! Be safe, and ALWAYS be armed.
Also I won't make any recomendations (as I'm unsure how I personally feel about it myself, and what the laws are like in Ohio) but definetly think about how you feel about "Gun Free Zones". And how much respect to give said signage as a Lawful person
Technically you already have a permit ... you are alive.
However, I know what you mean. Get that permit and get yourself in a good CCW class. One class not to miss is the Judicious Use of Lethal Force class put on by Lethal Force Institute (Massad Ayoob).
I simply don't go places I can't carry. If a place nas a 'no guns' policy, I shop/eat elsewhere.
A few times a year I have to fly and am defenseless for a few hours, but that is it.
Until this week, when I had jury duty and the government disarmed me and deliberately herded me into a building full of criminals.
*sighs* i believe i've mentioned it before, but i will do so again because it's been at the forefront of my mind ever since VT: i hate Maryland. i hate the laws here. i hate that our state officials feel they're doing us a favor in disarming us.
furthermore, i hate that my boyfriend and i have actually discussed whether we would carry illegally. we should NOT have to resort to debate between being potential victims or criminals.
I'm gonna get mine next year, too.
Good decision ladies.
I remember reading a piece of Tam's a while back describing the time she had the same epithany. It's almost like a vicarious decision to live.
Thought I'd post a link to my decision to carry, as well as someone elses.
Wish I could find Tam's but alas my search fu is weak tonite.
I think I'll post my "epiphany" moment soon.
I'm always armed, whether or not I happen to have a gun on me or not. It's not something that anyone can deprive me of except myself. It's a mindset. If I need to defend myself, I will find something even if I have to garrote the bastard with his own shirt to do it.
Rock on with getting the CCW permit and I hope you never have occasion to draw down on someone, but don't let them forget your biggest weapon is your brain.
Well I'm a bit far, but if you are looking for an Instructor, I may have some leads in your area.
Duck, I'd like that. Could you email them to me?
I will do that this weekend.
I picked my two banks I use because they have no problems with legally armed customers and I fired the bank that did.
Post up a link, girl. I'll drop a dime
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