Tuesday, January 22, 2008



Who do I vote for now?

wait...I have an idea...

UPDATE: seems I'm not alone in my sentiments...

JayG said "crap" too...so did The Rattail Bastard, and DirtCrashr...
Greg and Sebastian said "dammit", which is close enough,
Robb said "damn", &
LawDog said "crap" and threw in a "bugger" for good measure.


Earl said...

Ah, too smart for the Presidency, and too above corruption for the Primary foolishness. He makes a wonderful, "also ran". He should go to the convention and talk about his issues which represented so many of us that will never be "Also ran for President in 2008"

Carteach said...

I know... leaves it all kind of empty now, doesn't it?

Frankly, theres not another candidate on either ticket I'd allow in my front door,let alone vote for.

Maybe the huckster, maybe.
Probably not.

I am not optimistic.

LBJ said...

my sentiments exactly. .when I heard the news I text messaged my best friend just the words DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN.

Not much more to say.

Yuri Orlov said...

Looks like it's third party or write in time now. If he's the VP it might make it worth holding my now for...barely.

phlegmfatale said...

so THAT is why Heath Ledger offed himself...

Fred was about the only one I wasn't anticipating holding my nose over. Crappity crap crap!

doubletrouble said...

"Crap" DOES seem to be the operative word today. I think it conveys the essence of the deed.

I like your idea of VP- but with WHOM?

Excuse me whilst I…

NotClauswitz said...

IMO the Media killed his candidacy by totally ignoring him (and ignoring substance) and focusing elsewhere, where the fluffy shit and soundbites are. I think they didn't like his treatment of the schoolmarm when he didn't raise his hand at the debate, and stopped calling on him. The MSM is like Jr. High School, only worse.

Back to the lessor of two Evils.

Mike W. said...

I agree with Dirtcrashr. The MSM completely ignored him, aside from a few jabs about how he didn't have the drive to be President. They occasionally distorted what he said or threw out a hit-piece about him.

Beyond that? Nothing. They went out of the way to avoid even mentioning his name, while at the same time all the talking heads were touting Romney / McCain as the establishment candidate for Conservative Republicans.

People say the media has a "conservative bias" (no joke, I hear liberals say this all the time) Well if that were true don't you think they'd have been worshipping Fred instead of talking up a bunch of RINO's?

Anonymous said...

I said "Son of a..." then posted my message to the GOP.

Anonymous said...

"I agree with Dirtcrashr. The MSM completely ignored him, aside from a few jabs about how he didn't have the drive to be President. They occasionally distorted what he said or threw out a hit-piece about him."

The same thing could be said about my candidate too -- who is still in the race. Given that he's clearly Not Anointed by the Powers That Be, you might want to reconsider Ron Paul.

Memphis said...

The pickin's are slim this go 'round. I plan to take a write-in ballot and put my own name down. You're welcomed to vote for me.