Saturday, March 15, 2008

but can she shoot?

(Click to enlarge. Note the stupid logo)

Best known for dating scumbags and walking around in her underwear, model May Andersen has launched a new line of designer denim. The name of her company, Chick with Guns, was chosen to symbolize the "modern, independent, and powerful girl."

I was going to write something sarcastic about this....but really, is it necessary? I try not to ridicule mother always taught me that it's not nice to make fun of those who are less fortunate than me, especially when it comes to higher brain function. Besides, having never been a model myself, I can't pass judgment. I'm sure it's very challenging, intellectually demanding work. All that walking and standing. The never ending smiling on command - phew, exhausting! And don't forget the holding still while other people apply your makeup and style your hair. What a chore. The poor things, I really feel for them.

Anyway, as if this isn't amusing enough, the fashion world has their panties in a bunch over the name of the brand. Wow. It's not as if the jeans come with a built-in holster or anything cool like that.


Ken said...

"It's not as if the jeans come with a built-in holster or anything cool like that."

Opportunity knocketh. ;-)

Tango Juliet said...

Won't this invite the dreaded visible holster lines?

Christina RN LMT said...

Ya know, that logo looks like a rip-off of Charlie's Angels.

And the jeans look stupid and uncomfortable.

Earl said...

The woman has no thighs, is living loose and choice of associates is poor to really bad - why are we watching? Oh, Chicks with Guns - better than Broads blasting bullets? I like Micky Spillane, and Kipling, women will always be dangerous but I think I like the ones at the range and the gun shows without labels but really interested in the bullet placement.

Reno Sepulveda said...

I have mixed feelings about this kind of stuff. Guns, along with other redneck accouterments are becoming kind of hip again in the underground. I noticed this a few years ago when my daughter took to wearing my old border patrol belt with the cartridge loops with her jeans. It was a huge hit with the kids.

I have a few musician friends that have a morbid fascination with firearms. I'm sure one of them at least will end up in Xavier's "Idiots With Guns" before too long as he is prone to being photgraphed pointing his Beretta at his own head.

I try to impress upon them the golden rules of gun safety but they don't have the attention span for that stodgy "NRA shit". So although it's nice to have some new shooters coming into the sport I really don't want to share a range with some of them.

Aaron said...

To answer the question in the title, I really doubt it. I had the misfortune quite a few years ago to date a model. On the average, they are every bit as vapid and shallow as one would think. I'd bet dollars to donuts that the minds behind this 'fashion line' would be mortified if their products were bought up by armed women. In that vein, maybe I'll buy some for the wifey.

the pawnbroker said...

damn, you're quick! i was gonna post a response here saying how much better your "chick with guns" logo is than this pathetic pencil-legged version...and to tell ya i stole it (cute chicks seem to have a nefarious effect on me)...want me to take it off? jtc

breda said...

jtc - you have my permission, especially since I stole it from somewhere else ;)

Anonymous said...

Too bad you didn't think to copywrite your line there Breda. You could have had a multimillion dollar lawsuit for infringing on it or better yet, made them change their logo lol.

Tam said...

"Won't this invite the dreaded visible holster lines?"

You laugh, but...