Monday, April 21, 2008

good things come in small packages.

I don't know anything at all about racing except for the fact that I love this photo so much.


Laura said...

yeah, Danica's been the darling of racing for a couple of years. when she first started racing with the "big kids" she was a HUGE obsession for my fellow male car nuts.

i think it's awesome she's doing well. :)

BobG said...

It's always great when a girl (to a guy my age, any woman under 35 seems like a girl) can kick ass. The fact that she is pretty makes it even more cool.

Tam said...

I'm hoping she puts up a career like Shirley Muldowney or Angelle Sampey. It's hard to deprecate total kick-ass success...

phlegmfatale said...


Ride Fast said...

Now that is a trophy cup!