Monday, May 5, 2008

Support the Friends of the NRA!

TICKETS! TICKETS! We have 12 tickets available for the Cleveland Friends of the the NRA banquet.

The banquet is Thursday, June 5th and it starts at 6PM with a social hour and games. Dinner is served at 7pm.

Tickets cost $30 for adults and $20 for those 16 and under.

****Buy a ticket before May 10th and you are automatically entered in a drawing to win a Henry Golden Boy Lever Action rifle!****

Purchase a table of 8 tickets and you'll receive $100 in raffle tickets!

And as an extra! special! bonus!, attend the banquet and get a rare chance to hang out with the famous (okay, not really) Cleveland-area blogstress known as The Breda Fallacy on her birthday! She'll even let you buy her a beer! Hugs are free.

For more information and ticket purchase, please contact us by sending an email to :

Hope to see you there!

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