Monday, October 27, 2008

for the little guy

When Ben Affleck told MSNBC that "Hollywood loves Obama" he was overstating the obvious. Oprah hosted glitzy celebrity fundraisers for him, Scarlett Johansson visited Iowa to campaign for him, George Clooney proclaimed he has an "aura of a rock star," and Samuel L. Jackson said that Americans need "somebody the world relates to in a very real kind of way."

Celebrities, who get paid millions of dollars for nothing more than pretending to be someone they're not in completely fictional situations*, are lecturing us about what's real. Unreal.

Meanwhile, Tito the builder is introducing Sarah Palin at campaign rallies and Joe the plumber is starring in McCain ads.

Tell me again...which political party is the party of the rich?

*and sometimes not even that well. *cough*Affleck.*cough*


Less said...

Totally. On. The. Nose...

Christina RN LMT said...

I'd like to tell Hollywood, collectively, "Shut up and be pretty."

Mike W. said...

Scarlett Johansson is flat out gorgeous! Why oh why does she have to be an Obama fan?

B Smith said...

So many beautiful women are vacuous twits. There are many beautiful, intelligent women, but they tend not to be available, for obvious reasons.
What disturbs me is the number of beautiful, seemingly intelligent women who are absolutely committed to abusive jerks, losers, and cads (some overlap).
Anyway, around thirty I began to accept that I was never gonna win the heart of my Hollywood screen idol. Around forty, I began to think that this was probably a Very Good Thing.

phlegmfatale said...

you pegged it.

Someone posted this video in my comments, and though it's lengthy, it's very insightful and, I must say, entertaining. Love this guy:

Bob said...

Personally, I don't go to movies featuring celebrities who are obnoxiously political, e.g., Sarandon, Robbins, Clooney, Penn. I'm not willing to support them with my movie dollars.

OrangeNeck said...

"I'd like to tell Hollywood, collectively, 'Shut up and be pretty.'"

Yeah, after they've applied a million layers of foundation to hide all their wrinkles and blemishes and then finally add the finishing layers to their faces, will we see the "real" them.

I don't think Scarlett Johansson is all that pretty. She's got weird lips and eyes too wide apart. I dunno, maybe it's just me, but I don't see it. Give me a woman who is comfortable in her own skin and I will have found heaven-on-earth.

word verification: nonicat

Mike W. said...

"What disturbs me is the number of beautiful, seemingly intelligent women who are absolutely committed to abusive jerks, losers, and cads (some overlap)."

I've seen that a lot, even with lady friends of mine and it makes me sad. Usually it's a self-esteem issue IMO.

As far as relating to American's. I think Sarah Palin relates to the average American far better than most politicians. She seems like a woman you could sit down & have a few beers with while having a genuine conversation.

Crucis said...

Party of the Rich? You forgot all about George Soros, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and others like them.


Weer'd Beard said...

"Tell me again...which political party is the party of the rich?"

The Republicans, Duhhh!!!

Gotta run, gotta fly my private Gold-plated jet to Haliburton Headquarters where we'll talk about using the weather-control machine to make life miserable for people who's skin is darker than ours!

Why, what are you doing?
