Thursday, November 13, 2008


14-year old Catherine Vogt wore a McCain shirt and was told by her classmates that she was stupid and deserved death.

She learned a hard lesson that day - that the tolerance and diversity of the Left is a lie.


West, By God said...

"And I thought such politicized logic was confined to American newsrooms."

If only...

MedicMatthew said...

Seriously Breda? You're using the thoughts and words of a bunch of middle school aged kids who by their very nature are cruel and tend to not think before words fall out of their mouth to state that the tolerance and diversity of the Left is a lie?

Anonymous said...

The left seems to be very tolerant of diversity, as long as you're exactly like they are.

alan said...

The left is like the Red Queen. Words mean whatever they want them to mean.

The words "tolerance and diversity" don't mean the same thing to the left that they do to everyone else.

Kinda like "bipartisan" means "We all do what the left wants."

Lydia said...

If we're going to make broad strokes statements about the left, let us not forget the members of the right who found it funny to hang likenesses of Obama before the election.

Broad generalizations are just what we need right now.

Anonymous said...

No, Matthew. You need to work on your comprehension skills. What Breda said was the girl learned the lesson. The fact of her contention is pretty well-established in other instances.


Amy said...

No, this is a consistent pattern with the left.

A McCain/Palin supporter was attacked on a college campus on election night for wearing a McCain/Palin sticker.

Sarah Palin was derided as "stupid", backward, not a woman, a hick, a hazard, a c*nt, and other pejoratives by the same people who are supposedly holding the trump card on "women's issues” because she was a conservative. In the same vein, radical feminists will bitch and moan about stay-at-home mothers (calling them drags on society), complaining about women who have more than 1 or 2 children, but turn around and lament that women don’t really have the right to “choose” what they do with their bodies.

A theatre director who - as is his right - supported Prop. 8 and was harassed out of a job. At the same time, gay activists are picketing at Mormon temples and Christian churches - disrupting services and threatening violence against Christians and spitting on/calling the n-word blacks who voted for Prop. 8.

Folks who are anti-choice when it comes to poor kids and minorities, but have no problem with celebrities and liberal politicians who send their kids to private academies.

Hate speech laws and hate crimes legislation that provides protected status to certain individuals and not others (read: whites, conservatives, Christians).

When I was in middle school, yeah, kids were mean. E-mail me and I’ll tell you about the 6th grade medieval feast we had and the utter humiliation I suffered at the hands of my classmates. But – even 12-15 years ago – teachers were not as unabashedly pro-indoctrination as they are now. Hell, the entire agenda of most teacher’s unions reads like something straight outta Orwell.

Anyone who thinks the left hasn’t been engaging in major projection with regards to “intolerance” the past 8 years hasn’t been paying attention. And they need to.

Lydia said...

I would never say the left is without faults. I don't agree with aggressive tactics regardless of where they come from. But please don't paint this like the right is perfect and polite. Hell, the VP candidate said in a debate that she would "tolerate" me. And she said it with a great deal of venom in her voice, so please don't preach to me about intolerance and prejudices.

Angela said...

When were figures of Obama hung from trees? I recall the man who hung Palin in front of his house, but I don't remember seeing the Obama one anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Breda didn't say the right is perfect and polite. She said the left's pretension of being the "tolerance" end of the political spectrum is bullshit, which is true. The issue isn't who's awesome and who's not, but what they claim to be.

It sticks for the same reason the charge that the right claims to be the wing for fiscal responsibility but will all too often spend like loons when it's for a pet cause sticks.

breda said...

First, I would like to say that I am not trying to make any comparisons of Left and Right - I am merely pointing out that the Left's hopeychangey tolerance and love for all colors and all peoples is an untruth.

Second, Lydia? You know all those Democrats that came out in California to vote for the most liberal Presidential candidate in history? Those are the same people who voted yes on Prop8, passing an amendment forbidding gay marriage in what is quite possibly the most Leftist state in the union - so DO NOT try and say that Republicans are the only ones who are homophobic and against gay marriage.

Lydia said...

I never once said Republicans are the only homophobes. I don't blame any political party for prop 8...I do however believe that any church that makes heavy contributons to any politcal issues should be's not exactly a seperation of church and state when a church puts forward 70% of the money used to campaign for prop 8.

You're so very quick to point out the flaws of the democrats, but the reupublicans have their flaws too.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the intolerance for gun owners in law, in private association, and in our schools (even tiny plastic guns as part of a "action figure").

Here and here are some examples.

I am unaware of intolerance for people that don't own a gun.

In the cases where intolerance of the left exists is it of the individual? Or is it of the position they advocate? Are those people advocating illegal activities? And are they advocating using the power of government to implement their hateful agenda?

And unless there is an admission of "guilt" before bring up the "crimes" of the other side I really think it is just an attempt to change the subject. This is something I frequently face in debates with people on the left. I have to insist we debate each subject on it's own merit. Don't try to change the subject.

breda said...

And you're so very quick to become defensive and change the subject. The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Mike W. said...

"it's not exactly a seperation of church and state when a church puts forward 70% of the money used to campaign for prop 8. "

I couldn't agree more, however this happens on both the left and the right. On the right, churches intercede into politics on the gay marriage issue. On the left we've seen churches & Pastors time and again involve themselves in anti-gun legislation.

Both left & right are guilty of violating church & state separation when it comes to their own pet issues. Both left and right are also guilty of being grossly intolerant on certain issues.

What bothers me about the left these days (especially Obama) is that they have this holier than thou attitude preaching tolerance, compassion, unity etc while engaging in incredible vileness and bigotry.

They are without a doubt the worst kind of hypocrites.

And BTW - I don't remember school being especially political when I was in middle school. I certainly don't remember this kind of political nastiness. We were more worried about sports, videogames, and boobies.

Lydia said...

My intention hasn't been to change the subject, if it came across that way, I apologize. It saddens me that I used to read this blog and read about all sorts of, it's all about how you think the Dems will ruin your life.

Whatever happened to the friend of mine who was willing to hear both sides?

Old NFO said...

Typical of the BS we can expect for the forseable future... tolerance and diversity ONLY when they agree with you. As far as the church/state issue, agreed, lets go collect taxes starting Revs. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, along with the black churches that paid all those people $5-10 a vote! And before you call me a liar, I stood outside the polling place on River Road in Columbia, SC and watched a bus load pull in, go in and vote, and get handed $$ when they got back on the bus. When I told the polling director, all she did was shrug!

Anonymous said...

Well, Lydia, when the Left -- in the person of the President-elect -- comes forth and pretty much says, "We're gonna ruin your day if you don't knuckle under," that has a tendency to get a person's attention. That the national leadership of the Republican party is so out of step with its membership as to be only a little bit less-so is only semi-relevant.

Democrats are not only going to ruin my day and Breda's, but they're going to ruin yours, too. You're just not aware of it yet.



Anonymous said...

I'm probably gonna regret this, as it sounds like a personal dispute, but...

Lydia, when you leave comments like "You're so very quick to point out the flaws of the democrats, but the reupublicans have their flaws too.", that sounds an awful lot like telling a blogger what to write based on what YOU think. That's generally regarded as very, very rude within the blogosphere- you want to see specific content, write it yourself. There is no, nor should there be, Fairness Doctrine for someone's personal writing journal.

For what it's worth, I have a number of friends that are somewhat to a lot to the left of me. They usually skip my political posts knowing it won't be their cup of tea, and I DO listen to them- when we talk as friends. I value the point of view, but that doesn't mean I feel obligated to blog it myself. Breda likely feels the same.

Mike W. said...

Lydia - I think we've all become a bit more political in our blog posts due to the election. Breda is no exception.

As far as "hearing both sides." I can't speak for Breda of course, but in my experience there are times where one side is undeniable wrong on an issue. As Breda said, "Truth Hurts."

Breda never said Republican's are necessarily tolerant in all walks of life, only that the liberals "hope,change, tolerance, unity, compassion, bipartisan etc. etc." message is, quite simply, pure bullshit.

I'm glad this little girl got to see a glimpse of "liberal tolerance" so early in her life. I hope she's strong willed and that it opened her eyes to reality.

Mike said...

One difference twixt left an right lies on the actions/consequences continuum. Generally folks on the right know that actions have consequences and the left desperately wants it not to be so. Thus, we on the right have an intellectually coherent response to both the gun maker who donated to Obama and the theater director who supported prop 8... "dude! what were you thinking?!?!" These people both know who their customers are, and should, as adults realize that the consequences of their actions are on them - heat and kitchens and all that.

Which is why when some self-aggrandizing
idiot makes a scene outside a church he deserves a raspberry - I'd have some respect for him if he protests in front of a mosque, but that action would have real consequences and is thus, avoided.

Threatening to kill someone in a public school is usually an expulsion offense no matter what the circumstances - funny how the officials who are usually so quick to lay down the law seem a little reluctant here. I'd say the girl who did the experiment learned that actions have consequences, and the kids who harassed her now believe the opposite. I wonder whose lesson will be more beneficial later in life?

word verification: Bre Fiery (don't I know it!)

Lydia said...

labrat - thank you for your mentioned something that I hadn't thought of.

Crucis said...

Lydia, but it's OK to hang likenesses of Sarah Palin? The only incident of hanging BO was taken down in hours. The one of Palin stayed up until after the election---0and was widely publised to boot as "an expression of free speech."

Guess it's only the left who has free speech. Everyone else, "shut up!"

Anonymous said...

Seriously Breda? You're using the thoughts and words of a bunch of middle school aged kids who by their very nature are cruel and tend to not think before words fall out of their mouth to state that the tolerance and diversity of the Left is a lie?

Hmmm, so a group of people who think they know what's best for you, operating on heard mentality is different from school kids how? The left is just comprised of those people who never got past that stage in life. Heck, there are many more similarities that could be stated...the apparent inability to learn from mistakes, the constant name calling, jealousy of what others have or achieve....

Sigivald said...

WHat matthew said.

What this really shows is that most children are little savages.

(Due to not being raised right, and the natural state of children being savagery unless remedied.)

Anonymous said...

The phrase "separation of church and state" is a poorly chosen idiom for the restriction of government establishment of religion. IOW, a government agency/rep is not allowed to promote a specific religion. The lesser issue is if a certain tax-exempt status comes with statutory or regulatory restrictions for a religious org's involvement in govt. But, there doesn't seem to be any general wall that stops religious orgs/leaders from expressing political opinion - free speech is free speech.

Anonymous said...

And how. For a group that calls themselves "liberal"...sheeeesh!

Fenris said...

Sorry, but when I read the story I did not take away from it that it was a political story. Politics were merely the pretext. I really hate double-standards and hypocrisy. I see too much of that on a daily basis.

Further, anyone who feels that the social behavior of 8th graders carries no parallels in society at large has not spent enough time observing people operating in social groups.

Anonymous said...

Liberals tolerate liberals of any gender or race...and not much else.


jana said...

Everyone who is pointing out that kids are cruel anyway and that the behavior of 8th graders shouldn't be an indication of adult leftist behavior must have missed the part where the teachers were gettin' in on the fun.

I live in Illinois (unfortunately), and I have been shocked at the intolerance of the tolerant left. Simply because I am a Conservative (until we get some decent candidates, I'm not calling myself a Republican anymore), I've been called a racist and told I hate gay people.

I am? That will come as a surprise to my black friends and my gay friends, too. I was certainly surprised to learn those things about myself. I was especially surprised, since the bearers of those illuminations were people who barely knew me.

Tolerant and liberal, my Aunt Fanny...

dr mac said...

When the girl changed shirts I would have called her, "Traitor", and burned her at the stake. Since I have to build a fire anyhow, Lydia could be taken care of also.

Heh, heh.

NotClauswitz said...

Kids are cruel and 8th graders in particular, and that is the very seething cauldron in which Liberals are fire-formed and created; to lead onward with their lives in 8th Grade fashion describes the entire Liberal Agenda: jealous of success and wanting to have the latest in-bits and things that others have, feeling safe mostly in their pack-animal collective-conscioussness, and with a huge sense of entitlement to all they see.
Some of them grow out of it by the time they're 50.

Anonymous said...

This story was circulated widely onthe 'net, so I figure most of the commenters know that she wore the shirt as an experiment, and the next day, she wore an "Obama girl" shirt and was immediately accepted back. She sure proved the intolerance of the leftists! She wrote down her expeiences, and embarassed one teacher who made a subtly nasty comment, and then found out her words were on paper when the class had a discussion afterit was over.

Crotalus (as in "Don't Tread on Me")

Chas S. Clifton said...

Do a bunch of silly middle-school kids count as "the left"?

At least she got the extra credit that her teacher promised, which kicked off the whole experiment.