I guess that's the last time he'll order the Brain Sandwich. It doesn't pay to be an ecological zombie.
So have all the other possible pejoratives gone out of fashion recently?Jim
Typical n00b mistake
Sheesh. You don't PUNCH a zombie, you BEHEAD or HEADSHOOT a zombie. Silly man.
Damn, Secesh beat me to it.
"A man was ordering food when he was approached by another man who called him a zombie, then hit him in the eye."Good call by the assailant, even if he is a violent jerk."When the victim tried to call police on his cell phone, the man punched him again, breaking his nose."Let me ask all of you a question: which one of you thinks the appropriate response, mid-assault, is to get in a phone conversation?
Well not without a cestus at least.
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I guess that's the last time he'll order the Brain Sandwich. It doesn't pay to be an ecological zombie.
So have all the other possible pejoratives gone out of fashion recently?
Typical n00b mistake
Sheesh. You don't PUNCH a zombie, you BEHEAD or HEADSHOOT a zombie. Silly man.
Damn, Secesh beat me to it.
"A man was ordering food when he was approached by another man who called him a zombie, then hit him in the eye."
Good call by the assailant, even if he is a violent jerk.
"When the victim tried to call police on his cell phone, the man punched him again, breaking his nose."
Let me ask all of you a question: which one of you thinks the appropriate response, mid-assault, is to get in a phone conversation?
Well not without a cestus at least.
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