Friday, December 18, 2009

boldly gone

Hmm...I don't know... think I saw one of those lizard guys reading Shelley back in the 800's.


John B said...

When I saw that one, I thought of you first thing. I got the animated series, and a dvd player just after Thanksgiving. We don't serve turkey at Outrageous Manor, Beef! that's something to be thankful for. Since I no longer drink, the guests have been racking their brains to come up with suitable gifts for the feast.

The DVD player and DVD's were a hit. Someone brought a car battery, always useful.....

Old NFO said...

Well, you DO get some interesting visitors... :-)

Haji said...

How did you come across that little bit of history? Dang, I'm old...I remember that cartoon when it was first run. lol!

PPPP said...

I seem to have missed that particular episode the first time around.

I guess my DDS* receptor must be offline. When I read "Shelley back in the 800s" I thought you were referring to the century.

*Dewey Decimal System