Saturday, October 2, 2010

presidentin' is hard

“I’d appreciate a little break and some Tuscan sun,” the president said, according to the pool report. “Some pasta. I can use it.”
Gosh, yes, Barry. It's been, what? A month or so since your last vacation? Poor thing.


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

You don't have to STAY president.

Mike W. said...

I'm with NJT. He can resign if it's too hard...

Divemedic said...

What, so we can have President Biden?

Bubblehead Les. said...

Trouble is, he still thinks that "Present" and "Presidency" are Synonyms. Guess he really misses all those 2 days a week he had to be on Campus when he was running those "Indoctrination" classes. But how many Backyard Barbecues did he crash this week? Never knew scarfing down others peoples Burgers could be so tiring.

Joanna said...

I was always taught that only massive tools and oblivious rubes invite themselves over to other people's houses.

Draw your own conclusions.

Kristophr said...

The less time he spends doing the President job, the better, as far as am concerned.

I am more than happy to cough up cash for more vacation time for him.

Money well spent.