Tuesday, March 29, 2011

getting my Breda back

I had to go out and get an exercycle because it seems every fat cell in my body has decided to relocate to my middle.

Now, I'm not making excuses here but take into account the fact that I've reached the dreaded mid-30s metabolism slowdown, add in almost year's worth of general couch potato-ness due to my accident related neck injury (and the fear of the resulting OMGPLEASESOMEBODYENDMYMISERY headaches if I dared to do too much), and toss in a lot of that relatively cheap and easy to acquire muscle relaxant (beer) and you have the perfect storm of things that will make Breda squishy in places that she doesn't like being squishy.

I also had to buy new pants. Being 5'0" tall and having curves made me hate shopping for pants for as long as I can remember. Most of the the petite section is either designed for stickfigures, have elastic waists for tiny arthritic grandmas, or are still too long, dammit. There are few choices for a woman with both an ass and a ridiculously short inseam.

So, being forced to go shopping because I've gotten squishy? Talk about incentive. I pedal, pedal, pedal until I'm sweaty and my heart is trying to pound through my sternum. Then I do some weights, some push-ups, some leg lifty type motions and then I pedal again until I just can't do any more. I listen to music, drink a lot of water, and think of the guy who rear ended me (twice). It's actually a perfect outlet for that particular rage - I think, "RAWR! I'll fight you!" type thoughts and they spur me on. That, and not having a muffin top hanging over the waistband of my jeans.

So there you have it - my "You Can Stop When You're Wobbly" workout system. I figure it's better than nothing.


TBeck said...

Short-inseamed girls you make the rocking world go round!

Unknown said...

Did you get a unicycle?

Bubblehead Les. said...

Yeah, we can only burn off so many calories digging our cars out of the Every Other Day Snow Storms up here before we get acclimatized to it. Oh, what's that? Another 10 days of below normal temps, and snow again tomorrow? Makes one wish Algore was telling the Inconvenient Truth about Global Warming.

JB Miller said...

I am trying to get fit as well. Now its the gym 3 days a week and recumbent bike or walking the other 4 days.

Glenn B said...

Good for you - stick with it. I wish I could find the motivation for myself.

All the best,

THOTpolice said...

Punching bag *sage nod*

TheAxe said...

I'm in a similar situation, gotta fit into my dress clothes for my cousin's wedding. It's too bad shooting doesn't get us into shape. Is there any particular music you use to get driven?

Mike W. said...

Breda got back! :P

Keep up the good work!

Painting Tips and Tricks said...

This is such a great site! I like the way you set this up! Great content! Thanks for sharing this!...Daniel

Old NFO said...

Good for you Breda, the real you is starting to re-emerge! I'm sure you will feel better as soon as it stops hurting :-) And once you get back into the fitness regime, you'll get back into those skinny jeans!

Skip said...

That picture of you prone on the M1.....

Ansel said...

I recommend workout videos from 'The Sufferfest'. Programs are easy to follow, the music is good, and 'participating' in the racing footage is just awesome. Cost is quite reasonable.

If you're not that into flogging yourself in your personal Bicycle Torture Chamber, there are a number of workout videos which make stationary training bearable. The biggest obstacle to stationary bike workouts at home is BOREDOM. Keep the boredom at bay and you're guaranteed to pedal those pounds away.

On the down side, one of our lady riders complains about working out, because it makes her legs more muscular (I guess they frown on buff chicks over in Japan). Her calves have better definition than mine, and I've been riding deca - err... a long time.

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge fan of the "workout 'til you're wobbly" method. It's keeping my squishy places in check too. Also, being 4'11" and having an ass, I can certainly relate to your shopping woes. How is it that a pair of jeans labeled "short" still need to get hemmed?

SpeakerTweaker said...

I know the feeling (squishy in all the wrong places). I hit the mid-30's metabolic slowdown early, with my knees being dorked up keeping me in a comfy leather chair with ice on my knees all the time. My weight, also, settled in the midsection, leaving my pants selections too large for the normal parts of the store and too small for the Big and Tall (read: Big and Fat). I had to order jeans online.

I'm cutting back on bad things and working through the pain. Here's to being less squishy!


John A said...

On "Petite" clothing, I have a cousin who, while attending MIT (magna cum laude, theoretical math) actually shopped the girl's department[s] for clothes.

Fun site -


Joe is an anaesthesiologist, which perhaps is not much to the point. Nor, I suppose, is his site itself. But he has set up a treadmill holding his laptop so he gets extra exercise while browsing the Web.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Oooh, stop before you turn into a Wobbly, as there's nothing redeeming about belonging to the IWW!

Seriously, though, good luck with the exercise. Calmer Half and I have hit on motivating each other to go to the gym, with achingly slow success on better bodies. (There have been threats made to turn the scale into a rifle target.)

I don't have any advice on pants. I hate pants shopping with the smoldering fiery passion of a forest fire that's on an overgrown peat bog - impossible to put out, but alternating between a few rising wisps of smoke to raging crown fires by the conditions.

wv: inable Yeah, seriously, I am inable to find good jeans.

An Ordinary American said...

I remember my mid-30's, way too much time shining an office chair with my butt.

In the mid-40's, it was the healthclub at lunch and after work, and away the weight went.

Now, in the early 50's, I'm down to within ten pounds of what I weighed when I was in the military and later in college.

Trust me, Breda, it's no easier for guys than gals. ..



Mike W. said...

My sister has the same problem you do with pants.

It's not much easier for us tall & lanky guys. I have to buy all my khakis online since I can never find my size in any store.

TestyMctester said...

"(and the fear of the resulting OMGPLEASESOMEBODYENDMYMISERY headaches if I dared to do too much)"

Have you tried trigger point therapy? I recommend "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook".

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you. May I suggest a spin class at your local gym / health club? I find spin to be QUITE a good work out.

Jeanne S said...

On my way home from work, I saw a woman jogging while wearing a t-shirt that said, "Running sucks." I thought of you.

PPPP said...

Breda -

At five foot nothin', you've got five inches on my mother. I doubt she ever even hit 100 pounds full term pregnant.

Thinking back and remembering some of the pictures, I can't remember her ever wearing full-length pants that weren't rolled up (a lot) when she was a kid, and as an adult, I don't recall any pictures with any pants that weren't mid-calf. I always thought it was because she loved pedal-pushers. Now I'm wondering if she had no choice.