Monday, July 11, 2011

Yes, she can.

Jonathan Capehart of The WaPo says that when the above photo of Sarah Palin "is viewed through the prism of presidential politics, it’s a dud."

However, I'd like to remind Mr. Capehart that this guy, in the bike helmet?

Currently sitting in the Oval Office.

So, yeah. (At least Sarah doesn't wear mom jeans.)


Mike W. said...

The only way that pic of Obama could've looked worse is if his helmet were shaped like a giant penis.

Talk about a dude shooting blanks...

Marty said...

I find it interesting that the media fought so hard to get their hands on Sarah's email from when she was Governor. Now that they revealed she was a competent, hard working, public servant that cared about her state, they move back to her clothes...

Mike W. said...

It's pretty amazing Marty. A media hellbent on finding something, anything they could use against her found NOTHING in those e-mails. Lord knows they were salivating when they first came out though.

If they'd been close to as critical of Obama during his candidacy he might still be a Senator and our country might not be in such ruins.

NotClauswitz said...

Not to mention "We are all Socialists now"? Huh? Yeh you bet Mr. $1-down discount-town.

Old NFO said...

Yeah, can't find anything negative, so they're back to criticizing the clothes... sigh...

Dannytheman said...

I was hoping for an all woman ticket with Bachmann and Palin. The men have screwed it up for the last 235 years, let's give the girls a try!

Borepatch said...


The Progressives need to sit down in the back of the room and shut up. Grown ups are talking.

TBeck said...

Hey, you can't make fun of Steve Urkel like that! Oh...wait a minute...never mind.

JP said...

As a former bicycle mechanic I must say who ever thought this was a good photo op was a moron and needed to be slapped. Tires under inflated, Seat position wrong, and stem on the bars too short (he really should have been on a size or two bigger frame...he ain't short). He either went to a very poorly run shop, demanded the wrong size bike (I've dealt with those, but mostly they want too big a frame), or that is not his bike.

Sarah? Every time they think they got he pegged as a moron she shows them up, and most of the time makes them look like the morons they are(ala Party like it's 1773, and Revere's warning to the Regular Officers).

Glenn B said...

Sarah Palin win what - the run for the presidency? I like her politics very much but I also doubt her ability to win the election for president. She has shot herself in both feet, once by running as McCain's vice presidential candidate and then by stepping down as governor of Alaska. She stands little chance to none of winning the presidency for one other reason too; no other person, of whom I can think, in our history has ever raised the ire of the leftists as does she. If she runs she will bring every roach and rat of the left out of hiding to vote against her. Sadly, she does not have a similar effect on those on the right or independents as far as getting their votes goes.

I believe that she is taking the heat off of another candidate, on the right, Michelle Bachman. I think she stands more of a chance than Sarah Palin of rising to the top spot. I still think that Palin is better qualified but I am going to vote with both the issues AND realism as my guide when the primaries roll around. I am not saying I will not vote for Palin, just that it would have to look like there was a real chance of her winning and right now I think Bachman is the better bet. Of course, that could change if Palin actually entered the race. She can't win it if she isn't in it.

All the best,

JP said...

You would have instead had her go bankrupt, and cost the taxpayers of Alaska millions of dollars for nothing then?
Alaska, like Texas, meets right after the election, holds session, Gov signs the laws or vetoes them, any special sessions are held, and then more signing, then there is little done until the next election.
She had finished the signing and was there only to be figurehead, and oh btw get baseless accusations of ethics violations tossed at her that by law the State must investigate, and she must pay for her own defense of. She saved the taxpayers millions by quitting because now those accusing her could be counter-sued, need more proof for the investigations to take place, and shift some of the burden of cost onto the accusers.
Her job in that time would have been as a promoter of Alaska, and overseeing a bit of the day to day running of the state.
Certainly not a job worth costing millions to the Alaskan tax payer or near a million to her personally.
And Alaska likely has gotten more out of her promotion after that than if she'd stayed in office until after the next election (she had already decided not to run in the next one anyhow).
So if you really believe she quit because she is a quitter then you are either buying the leftist line or you are ignoring the facts of the situation. Not to mention, as lame as he was, McCain likely could beat 0bama right now. He should have back in '08, but managed to throw away the election when someone engineered a crisis at just the right time and the press made his rescue effort look like panic(and made himself look lost to those who knew better anyhow).

Mikael said...

Palin and Bachman are both way too fundie for me, the only candidate showing any promise whatsoever in my eyes is Gary Johnson.

Bubblehead Les. said...

A) Several months until the NH Primary, so we don't know if/when she will run. Stay tuned.

B) Just like the '60 Radical Left went after Nixon, and their "Philosophical Children" went after Reagan, the 21st Century Marxist/Socialist/Progressive/Liberal "Grandchildren" will hound Mrs. Palin into the Grave and Beyond. It'll be a hundred years before Good, Honest Historians will be able to give her Legacy a Fair Shake, and since their Primary Source Documentation (the Lamestream Media Propaganda Corps) is filled with Vile, Evil Vitriolic Hatred to her, she may not even get a chance then.

C). The same thing will happen to any Women who has a similar Political Philosophy, such as Michelle Bauchmann, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin,

D). The Problem is not Sarah, it's the fact that the Commies are in Power, and the Conservatives are playing by the Rules that the Commies want to destroy.

E) Recommendation: We're not Voting our way out of this Cancer that has infected the Republic, so Be Prepared.

Glenn B said...


I would not have had Sarah Palin do anything for or to herself other than what she chose to do. You are reading way too much into what I read when you say I would have had her done this or that. What I, inm essence, said was I do not believe her likely to be electable at he current time not that I do ot like her or hold anything against her. Please don't make the mistake of using your words and what you choose to think and then say to the world that is what I thought or what I said. My words clearly expressed othwerwise than what you seem to think I am thinking.

All the best,

be603 said...

The Fundy boogie men are coming!!!
The Fundy boogie men are coming!!!
Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh my!

Mikael said...

be603: They're both all for restricting people's rights in the name of religious morality. Restricting people's rights is something I disagree with. You get what I'm saying?

Incidentally the article that got me interested in Gary Johnson, also involves Bachman(in the opposite way):

breda said...

Mikael - please give one verifiable instance where Sarah Palin has tried to limit someone else's rights because of her religion.

Tam said...


"He either went to a very poorly run shop, demanded the wrong size bike (I've dealt with those, but mostly they want too big a frame), or that is not his bike."

It's also the bottom-of-the-line, entry-level Trek hybrid.

I find it odd that he'd have a Trek 7000 when even a self-unemployed blogger in Broad Ripple managed to swing a 7100...

Robb Allen said...

Gotta join the fray here - I've yet to hear of a single example of Sarah Palin saying she supports any law that could be considered "fundie". In fact, most people consider laws "fundie" simply because they don't agree with them.

I'm pretty sure she supports laws against murder, rape, and theft and might even do so through her Christian beliefs. Is that "fundie"?

I'm all about pushing my morals on people. We all are. It's just that most people consider their morals 'the logically correct ones'. The difference is I'm about pushing my morals by defending them and allowing others to make the choice to do so. I've yet to see Sarah restrict that choice and in fact have seen her submit to specific items that she personally did not agree with, but realized it wasn't her place as governor to proscribe.

Bachmann? Nossomuch.

However, I will readily admit I'd prefer to see a bigoted Christian blather on about morality in the White House than a hardcore socialist any day. Even the left would fight against religious edicts along with me (and I consider myself religious) where as socialism? They'll fight FOR it.

leBolide said...

I wonder if he's pulling around a SS guy in the trailer.

LauraB said...

I could only think that Palin's watch is tougher than that bike rider.

It is also correct twice a day.


kahr40 said...

He must have left his knee and elbow pads at home.

BobG said...

If he needed knee pads, he could have borrowed some from the MSM.