Tuesday, November 22, 2011

my work here is done

Every woman in my life now either has or is considering a gun for self-defense. Many of them have gone on to get their CCW, including my mom.

I'm satisfied.


Alan said...

Good Job.

If only everyone else would do the same thing.

Shamandin said...

Good job!

I'm working on doing the same around here. My wife's allowing me to drag her to the range ... erm, wait. That came out wrong. When asked what she wanted for her birthday, she asked for a date at the range. :) Now, if only I could convince her to give me back my XD9 ...

The other ladies, well, still working on them. At least they're not cringing anymore when I bring it up.

Oh, and the littlest lady (our 10yo daughter) will be getting her first trip ... right after I pick up a .22. :)

Robbie said...

My wife, daughter and mother all have their ccw's. Now if only my son could be interested in firearms... sigh...

Jay G said...

Yay Mom F.!!!

And yay Breda for being the guiding light in their lives. Who knows how many countless others you've inspired?

Mike W. said...

Great job! Let's hope they are as successful in spreading the word of the gunnie as you've been!

Fred said...

Big thumbs up.

Mike W. said...

Oh, and let me just point out here that Mom Fallacy getting her gun & CCW was what finally got my mom to get her own gun.

Andrew said...

Clearly, you're on a roll, and need to get more women in your life, and then persuade them, too.

Don M said...

If only the women in my life were as clever. I figure you have a better class of friends/relatives, or I am less persuasive.

Kevin said...

Broaden your horizons (so to speak)!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

I cry like a little girl, so I'm woman-ish, and I don't have a Maryland CCW. When are you gonna encourage ME, Sister?

David Neylon said...

Why does that sounds like a goodbye to blogging post?

MonteG said...


NotClauswitz said...

I love what you have done but it aint happening where I'm at. Mom's an *active* anti-gunner and my sister is a loon who should probably not get near anything like a weapon... I'm not even going there with them.

Old NFO said...

Well done Lady, WELL DONE! :-)

Ken O said...

I am with David, this sounds a lot like goodbye. Breda, when Sammy and I started dating there were a few things I insisted that she read: Zendo Deb, Tam, Kathy Jackson, Brigid, and of course YOU. Something about the way you approached the subject struck a deeper cord with her than all of the others. Keep inspiring others!

drjim said...


Marty said...

Brenda needs a nudge. Help a guy out!!

Tam said...

Cool. :)

Way to actually "be the change you want to see in your world"!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! Reading your blog has certainly encouraged me to become a Gun Chick.

It ain't happenin', unfortunately. I live in a city and county that only allow CCW in theory, never in reality. Not even for a woman like me who walks to work in the dark every morning. :( Not even when I still had a job where I sometimes had to transport thousands of dollars in cash. Not "just cause" enough.

The only possibility is a shotgun at home, but that would --of course-- have to be kept unloaded and locked in a safe. Effing nanny state.

Laura said...

:) good on ya, lady.

Link P said...

Good job, Breda.

The Jack said...


Yes, yes that's good for "the cause" but more importantly you've helped people you care about learn more, and take positive action, towards their own defense.

Lissa said...

*bows down and worships*

Man, if I had HALF your skills *sigh*

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

...and the Gun Ambassador Extraordinaire Award goes to Breda...

I'm still working on 'em as an NRA and 4H instructor...

Dann in Ohio

Glenn B said...

So, since your work here is done, can we expect to see you on the news at an OCCUPY rally somewher? Get your toosh back to work, the job you selected for yourself is a never ending one, there are always more women out there ready to join the ranks of safe and competent shooters.

All the best,
Glenn B

Marty said...

I demand to know what nail polish you are wearing!

Mike W. said...

Next step? Bring in Pinky & The Brain as part of the Bredalucion and TAKE OVER THE WORLD! :)

Cargosquid said...


Are you coming back?

ajdshootist said...

Ditto what Cargosquid said, this reads a lot like goodbye?

Zendo Deb said...

I hope this doesn't mean you are going to STOP blogging.

ASM826 said...

So, blogging ends? I hope not.

Boyd K said...

Great work! And now that you've had a few days to celebrate, please consider the thousands more who need your help. Lot's of ways to proceed, would love to have you at our NRA instructor training coming up near Bothel Washington...

Anonymous said...

This is a non-sequitur but when I saw this Library police style raid jacket I had to bring it to Breda's attention.


Should be perfect for going to get those over-due books.

John Richardson said...

I hope this isn't an announcement that you are quitting the blogosphere. If so, I have something to get you back - a new Bersa!


Cargosquid said...

Farewell. Take care.

And thank you.

Kristophr said...

Thanks for all the free icecream.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do next.

David aka True Blue Sam said...

"Shane...Come Back!"

MSgt B said...


Anyone here?...ere?...ere?



Damn, the sign said "Free Ice Cream"

Hey, I've got an idea. While Breda's on vacation, we can play in the abandoned comments thread.
Any takers?

UnaCrane said...

That is awesome!
I am still hoping my wife will some day be willing to try shooting.

MSgt B said...

I just started blogging about 6 weeks ago. Before I started, I had been a regular reader on about a dozen or so blogs, mostly gunnies along with a few conservative political blogs.
When I decided I wanted to try it out for myself, I sent out an email to a list of bloggers who's stuff I'd been reading for quite some time. I asked for advice and opinions.
Breda responded with some truly good advice. She was very straightforward and honest. That sort of response can be pretty rare nowadays, and I felt honored that she would take the time to help me out.
The one real pearl of wisdom she dropped on me was "No one cares about your blog as much as you do".
I didn't get it...I thought it was some obscure reference to something she had written and I had missed.
I took me six weeks of pouring my brain out and babbling at the laptop before I figured out what she meant, and I think she was wrong.
Thank you Breda for your advice, and thank you for all the cool shit you wrote on your blog over all this time. I hope you'll take a little vacation and come back to your writing soon.

Ross said...

Uh-oh... this begins to look suspiciously permanent. Not Good!

Damn... even the word verification is "nopert"! I think that means we have no more pert librarian to blog at us!!

MSgt B said...

We should start a support group.

Hi. I'm MSgt B, and I'm a Breda addict.

I started out just visiting Breda's blog on the weekends. It was just a recreational thing.

Then, when I was going through some tough times, I would stop by and check her blog maybe once or twice during the week. No big deal. I could control it just fine.

Before I knew it, I was reading her blog every day. I just couldn't stop myself. Sometimes I would sneak away from work in the middle of the day just to check out her latest post.

I once blew a guy downtown just to get on his laptop.

I'm so ashamed.

Glenn B said...

Ah come one now, not even an encore post to wish your readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Wild Deuce said...

Has anyone checked the the local papers just to make sure this isn't an unintentional retirement? Maybe she's being held for ransom by one of those shady characters that frequent the library. (Does anyone know the duress word in case she comes back blogging an anti-gun agenda?)

DheereCrossing said...

I got my wife a Frontsight Lifetime training membership for Christmas. She hasn't even touched a handgun yet. It will happen, once her life calms down a bit.

Mose Jefferson said...

"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. This was unexpected and rather difficult. There was some scattered clapping, but most of them were trying to work it out and see if it came to a compliment."

breda said...

Thank you.


Motor-T said...

So now you can start that nail polish blog.

breda said...


English Geek Girl said...

I am not sure you are done inspiring women yet.

Windy Wilson said...

I am not altogether happy about your premature retirement. For one thing, your blog has been interesting and informative and insightful.
For another, and more selfishly, I need your arguments and insights because I still have a Looooooooong way to go to convince my Stalinst sister-in-law, MS Nitro that other people are not as full of hate and rage as she is, and so it should be "permissible" fpor them to be responsible for their own lives and safety.
Besides, your blog has been

Mad Saint Jack said...

Breda has been protesting SOPA for almost two months.


MSgt B said...

Hey Breda,

I'm getting 150 hits a day on my blog now.

It'sstarting to feel like I'm not talking to myself anymore.

Drop by anytime.

Miss ya.

Glenn B said...

So, will things become self evident soon?

Put this in your browser: http://thefallacytrue.blogspot.com/, you may get a surprise.

I do not remember that blog being listed for Breda before.

All the best,
Glenn B

SHARON said...


Mad Saint Jack said...


Is now live and kicking...