Remember last week's post, where I was lamenting the fact that no one wants to read the classics anymore - even if they're free? Well, apparently no one wants to read free mystery romances either.
We have had a basket of these things (note the desperate sign! Ha!) sitting out next to the other paperback romances for a few weeks now. They have less pages than most VCR instruction manuals but still - no takers.
Meet Speedy. He is the pet/mascot for the children's department. They assure me that Speedy is alive despite all evidence to the contrary.
Speedy used to have an albino frog buddy who reminded me of a raw floating chicken drumstick.
And here it is - our "gun free zone" sign. It's posted at the back entrance - I guess just in case employees start getting funny ideas about wanting to protect themselves.
I "feel" safer now, don't you?
I'm guessing that "otherwise authorized by law" doesn't cover CCW permits?
Those signs always crack me up. Like anyone intending to shoot the place up is going to stop at the door and say, "Dammit, I was going to shoot me some folks in there, but they don't allow guns."
"authorized by law" = police only.
print this cartoon:
and put it under the no guns sign.
Just for fun try selling the books for a quarter each. You'll move more. I don't know why it works, it just does.
well you could argue that the sign isn't clear, since as a CCW permit holder you are "authorized by law" to carry a concealed deadly weapon.
Of course I don't know whether those signs carry any legal weight in Ohio. Here in Delaware they don't. It doesn't really matter though, since they'd fire you anyway if you were caught packing.
Marko, do you remember that "Make your own Gun-Free Zone" parody from youtube? That always cracked me up.
My work doesn't have a "no guns" sign, but I know the employment contract I signed had a no weapons clause.
Is that a legal "no guns" sign in Ohio? I was told (though I haven't checked the statutes, shame on me) that in Tennessee the "no guns" sign must be posted at the entrance. I'm not sure if the back door would work down here...
Harlequin Romances? Maybe you should pay people to take them.
In Ohio, those signs are required on all government buildings, supposed to be on each entrance. No penalty to whoever is in charge of the building if they don't have the signs properly posted, but it is still a felony to have a concealed weapon there. That includes park bathrooms and restrooms. There is a credible claim that open carry would be legal, but nobody wants to be a test case.
Private buildings don't have requirements on the sign size, location or wording--If a license holder knows guns are banned there it is a misdemeanor if they get caught with one. If they don't know, (and leave as soon as they find out) there's no penalty.
Anyplace that serves liquor for on-premise consumption is off limits/felony, whether they post a sign or not. It may not apply if they only serve beer, but again, nobody wants to be a test case.
Well, you could always get Speedy to chuck the unwanted romance novels at a crazed gunman...does THAT make you feel safe?
Didn't think so.
And nobody better be trashin' those romances, hear?
For pure escapism, nothing beats 'em.
Oh,'ve been tagged!
I want you to know that Speedy and his albino frog buddy for some reason kicked over my gigglebox to the point where I was whooping with laughter and tears were running down my cheeks and my tummy was sore and RobertaX came into the room to see if I was okay.
I used to have a Xenupus frog like Speedy. They're funny, but they really do have the personality of a raw chicken leg...
Thankfully my company has no such stupid rule, and I fully intend to take advantage of it.
My local library has one of those signs, too. But every weekday, from 2:30 (when the young hoodlums get out of school) until closing, they also have a policeman there -- not a rent-a-cop, but an honest to goodness member of Kansas City's finest. There's just a "little" bit of gang trouble in my neighborhood...
It makes me long for the good old days (say, about two years ago) when you didn't have to risk your life to go to the library.
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