Friday, November 21, 2008

& I thought I couldn't possibly love her more.

The only way that this could have been any more awesome would be if they showed her killing a bird for her own Thanksgiving dinner.

How is this "Breaking News?" I know it might come as a shock to some trendy liberal urban types, but turkeys aren't born headless, plucked, and frozen with those little pop-up thermometers in their butts. They are living, breathing creatures with feathers and blood and someone has to kill them so you can go to the grocery store, pick one out of the freezer case, and roast it up all brown and juicy with gravy and...oooh, I'm getting hungry. Anyway, if you are disturbed by this, maybe you should go to Whole Foods and buy yourself a tofurkey. I'm sure that's what that candy ass David Shuster is eating this year - with a side of arugula - but probably only after he gets through sobbing and apologizing to it.

And you know those animal rights activist/PETA people who are probably trying to unbunch their panties over this, crying for the souls of those poor tasty tortured turkeys? They're probably some of the same ones who were shocked that Sarah Palin didn't abort baby Trig because he has Down's Syndrome. Ahh, the fringe Left, where the life of poultry dumb enough to drown in a rainstorm is worth more than that of a human being. So think about that while you're sinking your teeth into a big piece of breast meat and be thankful that you're not alone - 48% of us would like to punch a hippie too.


Jay G said...

"48% of us would like to punch a hippie"

Twice, actually.

Excellent post!

Mike W. said...

Nature wouldn't have made em' taste so good if they weren't meant to be killed & eaten.

On that note, they could just lop off their heads and watch them run around headless for a few seconds, but that'd be cruel.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...if God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?

I can vividly remember butchering/plucking all manner of birds as a kid to fill the freezer. I didn't really appreciate the life leason being taught at the time. I just thought it was WORK when I could be out playing "kick the can."

I felt better about my chores when I went into a grocery store for the first time and looked at the meat isle. I thought, "Man, I feel sorry for the kids of the parents who own THIS store."

I was a very stupid child.

BobG said...

Jeez, the MSM just can't get over her, can they? They could do with some of this, I think.

"48% of us would like to punch a hippie"

Actually, I'd feel like I was picking on a child or a mentally-impaired person...

MedicMatthew said...

Wow, at first I thought the clip was a satire using content from MSNBC. I seriously thought it was a parody at first.

But damn, I'm with Jay now. I just want to punch a hippie.

Anonymous said...

If 48% of us would like to punch a hippie...twice, that would make it 96%, wouldn't it?? Hehehe. Fuzzy math, compliments of your liberal-run edjoocashunal sistum.

I used to go with my mom to the poultry market and would watch as the birdman slit the chicken's throat and toss the bird head down into the funnel. After it was dead, they would take out the innards and pluck it under steam. It was fascinating. Nothing like fresh chicken. Yummmmm....

Clint said...

The schwarminess of the news anchor is what really shows how out of touch many urbanites are (and a lot of the rural transplants, too). You can just hear it in his tone: "that cavewoman, that barbarian, that peasant."

If it all ends up going to hell in a handbasket, his type will be the first ones killed and eaten. Then we'll split up his gear, such as it is.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

She's wonderful. I don't know where the leftists "She's Stupid!" meme came from, other than from the traditional epithet for GOP members.

It should be a REQUIREMENT that a presidential candidate has to kill, slaughter, cook, and eat his own warm blooded animal. That and have actual experience, you know, leading people.

Anonymous said...

Show of hands: How many of you think the choice of background by the vidographer was "accidental"?

TexasFred said...

48% of us would like to punch a hippie too.

I am guessing that since *hippies* disappeared a long time ago, we'll just have to settle for left wing moonbats that are gun grabbers and tin foil hat wearers maybe??

Old NFO said...

Of course it wasn't accidental, you can bet they got told make it as negative as possible...

breda said...

If you watch all the way to the end, you'll see that Sarah didn't have a problem with the backdrop at all. Why would she? She field dresses caribou.

dr mac said...

Gobble, gobble.

Getting one at the supermarket saves you from breaking a tooth on @4 shot but isn't half the fun.

Mulligan said...

Where do i sign up to punch a hippie?

Anonymous said...

Can't help but think of something I read on Snowflakes In Hell. Something along the lines of "There is room for all of God's creatures... Right beside mashed potatos..." or something of that nature.

NotClauswitz said...

Please! Come to the SF Bay Area and punch a Hippie! There's lots here! They havn't disappeared! They're a bit mentally impaired from all the drugs and bad-stupid ideas worse than drugs, but they DO need punchin'!

B Smith said...

Mulligan: There is no fee nor sign-up, but the line forms on the left (coast) and extends pretty much across the country.

Sarah still kicks ass. I for one hope that the media DON'T let her alone. Keep reminding us what we (as a nation)are missing, and maybe we'll wise up next time.

WV: grike. The Grinch's trike?

Anonymous said...

Breaking News: turkeys mercilessly slaughtered during turkey processing!

The MSM really, really hates SP.

I hate the MSM.

Therefore I must love SP. Which... isn't that hard actually.

Now plz 2 provide hippie for teh punching kthnx.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see what was linked here but I did see the interview with the turkeys being slaughtered in the background, same thing?

All I gotta say is, meat is tasty, and all the meat-filled animals in the world aren't going to commit suicide on our behalf.


Anonymous said...

Things like this remind me that salad isnt "food", it is what "Food" eats.
Ed McK.

Borepatch said...

"If you like animals, you'll love lamb!"

Unknown said...

Much ado about nothing.

That media guy made it sound like I was about to see Palin bite the freaking head of that turkey (which would have awesome), but really, was all that hubub necessary for that? Good lord those liberals really are pansies

Army of Dad said...

Screw punching hippes, how about we start punching some of the dickweeds working in the MSM instead?

Drang said...

I think I despise MSNBC even more now than I did before. What a bunch of buttheads.

Word: lousl

I think word verification can't spell "louse."

phlegmfatale said...

bwa haw haw! Loved it!

Yeah, that panty-waist in the anchor chair prolly thinks cold cuts spring like Venus from the foam fully cured, cooked and wrapped in plastic.


Christina RN LMT said...

I can't wait until Thanksgiving, yum!

Stan said...

Is it me or did the guy dressing out the turkeys have a great big grin on his face near the end?

Anonymous said...

*GASP!!* Phlegmmy... Never seen you use such language before. I'm shocked! And slightly titillated...heh.

David Shuster eating arugula is akin to cannibalism, isn't it?? One vegetable eating another...

vw: "handboy" wow.

Anonymous said...

"48% of us would like to punch a hippie too"

Yep, new favorite quote. Thanks.

perlhaqr said...

I have to admit I chuckled when the interviewer asked her if any government programs were on the chopping block. :D

I was hoping were going to see the Guv slaughtering her family's turkey right there live on TV. What better way to show you care than to hand select and prepare their Thanksgiving meal?

Clint said...

MSNBC's histrionics have lit up the blogosphere, but of course, we read it here first (go, Breda!).

I actually snorted, however, when I read this from NRO:



Jenny said...

Oh my word.

Umm.. I rather thought The Onion was supposed to be a spoof. Who knew it was a marketing plan?

Anonymous said...

I saw the interview on earlier. The funniest part was the reporter warning people to get their kids out of the room and then using the grey out to cover the deed.

God, what wimps.

Anonymous said...

While I am not against the punching of hippies per se, due to the prevalence of bodily fluid borne pathogens in the hippie population, I think I'll continue to keep my distance..... there is no safe way to punch a hippie, is there?

Anonymous said...

No Worries!

The Freeholder said...

Oh, the turk-manity!

I bet these people think that milk comes from a grocery store. They're perfectly happy to have that perfect rare steak, as long as someone else does all the dirty work for them. "I don't see that, I don't see that, la, la, la."

TOTWTYTR said...

It just shows how clueless the Lame Stream Media is.

Is it me, or is the guy in the background hamming (no pun intended) it up? His presence makes it look like a Month Python skit.

phlegmfatale said...

Wai - so happy I could help out!

Clint - I think you pegged it

Larry said...

The animal kingdom: Nature's way of keeping meat from spoiling...

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Hey, I like hippies. At least, I love Alaskan hippies, because most of the rest of us don't have the time, patience, and inclination to back-breaking labor to make sure that non-native plants (like carrots, zucchini, heirloom tomatoes and heirloom turnips) and domesticated animals are grown up here with patience, love, and care for the farmer's market!

...Then again, most of our hippies are pro-drilling, pro-hunting, pro-concealed carry as well as open carry, often pro-mining, and a whole lot of them really like our governor...

Punch a lower 48 news anchor? Where do I sign up for that?

Anonymous said...

How dare you pick on the fine upstanding organization that is PETA. Just because they are listed by the USDOJ as a terrorist organiztion gives you no right to make fun of them.
I myself am member of the other PETA. People who Enjoy Tasty Animals.
We will start the holiday off with chickens in the smoker as all the kinfolk arrive Wednesday. It should be a nice day in the 40's, perfect for smokin a few birds. Thursday, we watch the parade and football and take the turkey off the grill around 2. Friday we will fry some fish and watch more football. Saturday will be a pork loin or steaks UNLESS someone gets an 8 point on opening day of gun season so we can have fresh backstrap.

The Tundra PA said...

Breda, just found your blog through the link over at Cranky Prof's, and glad to do so! As an Alaskan woman who loves guns and Sarah Palin, I'm an immediate fan and look forward to some time in your archives. Along with many of my fellow Alaskans, I chaffed over the MSM's treatment of Sarah during the campaign, it was so outrageously unfair. And now we have a president-elect about whom we know practically nothing, who was elected based on charisma, skin color, and empty promises. Change we can believe in? As he fills his cabinet with old Clintonites? Is a return to the Clinton era the kind of change people want? I doubt it.

ps--I sure hope that Wasilla hit on your sitemeter was either Todd or Sarah. I get Wasilla hits a lot, but the First Couple is way less likely to come across my blog than yours.

Fenris said...

Cripes. I doubt more than a few people would have even noticed that turkeys were being slaughtered in the background if the media hadn't been so keen to throw up eye-catching grey blocks and announce what to look for.

Manipulative jerks.

Anonymous said...

Breda, my family is having two kinds of turkey - fried and roasted. We are also going to have two kinds of ham - country and glazed. We're doing our part for the carnivores.

Go Sarah!!!!

Rather Read

DJK said...

Unknown said...

What an arse....

Palin = evil cause turkey's are being killed in the background.

Of course, 10-to-1 that guy is going to go buy a frozen turkey and cook it up this Thursday.

Hypocrisy at the highest...

Anonymous said...

Yanno, it doesn't matter how many times I view that video, I still am rendered into a fit of schadenfreude-fueled giggles.

I'm an animal lover; I love them cooked until their juices run clear.

PS: I detest the pixelation.