Saturday, February 14, 2009

no love

February, Friday the 13th, 2009 - the day the dream died. No dirge is playing, not yet, but wait...the lamentations will come.

And to everyone who voted to enslave the freest people on earth...

I curse you. 48% of of your countrymen curse you. Future generations will curse you. Your own descendants will curse you.

May that knowledge be like a yoke around your neck- the weight of it strangling you, pulling you down into the filth where you belong.


Anonymous said...

"I curse you. 48% of of your countrymen curse you. Future generations will curse you. Your own descendants will curse you."

And a double helping for those three RINOs that made it all possible.

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, comrade. I'm hoping those 52% wake up and have the worst buyer's remorse hangover imaginable.

Hope and change and change and hope and hope and change and change and change and hope...

agg79 said...

Bipartisan my ass.
Thanks guys for mortgaging my future (and that of my son).

I need to hit the range...

Dave Schipper said...

Spoken like a mad librarian... hope today is better.


fast richard said...

The advocates of this stimulus are like the physicians of two hundred years ago. Bleeding the economy does no more to promote it's health than bleeding a patient does to cure the flu. I know there are economists who have figured this out, but I think they are viewed as quacks by their colleagues who work for the government.

doubletrouble said...

Well said Breda.

This may fall under the "be careful what you wish for" category; once the foolish populace see what they've done, there may be hope for the Republic.

God help us...

Miz Minka said...

Hear, hear. Let's hope everyone will remember to vote these bastards out of office.

God help us.

Old NFO said...

The date is REALLY appropriate- Bad luck for all of us AND our children and probably our grandchildren...


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Strings said...

Gee Breda, tell us how you REALLY feel! Don't hold back: if you keep it in like that, it'll cause you problems... ;)

Personally, I think We the People need to treat DC the way Rome treated Carthage: tear it down, scatter the inhabitants, and salt the earth...

jana said...

Only one quibble... "you say 48% of your countrymen curse you."

Make that 48% of VOTERS. There are untold numbers of countrymen who didn't bother to vote. Or weren't able to, for whatever reason. Add those numbers to the 48%, and I think the percentage of haters rises dramatically.

2/13/09 - The day America stopped being America.

Anonymous said...

I walked away from my televsion last night after a day of C-Span and pseudo-news. I couldn't yell anymore. I was tired. I wondered if anyone else in this country realized what had just happened ... glad to know that I am not utterly alone.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you're bitter, clingy too, I'll bet! :P

Anonymous said...

So, how you guys been? Another St. Valentine's day massacree, you say? A whole country this time? Dude, that's harsh.

Consent Denied? Sounds like a movement.

Phillip said...

I'm kind of curious about one thing... We've had amazing progress in the past century, going from horse drawn wagons to space flights, as well as other wonders.

This bill was passed on the assumption that there will be productive people still here in the US in my grandchildren's time. What happens if space flight becomes viable, there's a way to reach other moons or colonies, and the productive people flee Earth? Or from another direction, they start colonizing the deep ocean? Same question.

How do you fund a bill like this when the price tag makes so many assumptions? I'm confident in the human race's ability to find another frontier and move out to it. And it seems that the independent people are the first ones out there. Hmm....

Word verification: Stines... What you call your beer mugs after you've emptied a few?

Heath J said...

You guys participating in the "We surround THEM" thing on Glenn Beck's site??

It's good stuff, might not have any effect, but it makes me feel better.

Haji said...

The whole thing makes me sick. The backlash that's coming against this partisan politicking is going to be epic. Too bad a whole bunch of damage will be done before the mid-term elections.

dr mac said...

Don't let it break your heart.

Buy more ammo.

Happy Valentine's Day !

Anonymous said...

I'm particularly proud of the Republicans for showing a little spine, here.

Giving money to the government is like giving liquor and firearms to teenage boys.

jana said...

"why then did it pass?"

Because those Liberal piglets have been slobbering at the trough for years, trying to get their hands on that much money.

Finally, the magic percentage of Americans were stupid enough and/or ill-informed enough to deliver unto them a piglet as greedy to make things "fair" as they are.

It passed because they don't even pretend to work for the people anymore. Didn't you hear? They won.

Mike W. said...

Scott - Would the media have considered Obama's "I won" statement a non-issue if Bush had said it? I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

It will not hang as a yoke around the necks of the stupid... because they ARE stupid. They have no clue what they have done, only that they are getting something for free... They will have no clue until the very end, and then they will cower in the corner, blaming everyone but themselves.

me said...

As heard on the radio...get a 1099 and refuse to pay your taxes.

WV=crian What the parasites would be doing if we had the courage to do that.

Warthog said...

I think eventually, we'll find the numbers against ol jug ears will be a bit higher. I'm thinking that with many of them, it's not so much that they were voting for the Obamessiah as they were voting against Bush.

PolyKahr said...

Leave it to an Irish woman to really know how to curse someone! I personally am losing my sense of humor about this stuff.
