I arrived at the gate only to find that both front wheels were laying on the ground next to the plane that would take me to Albuquerque.
Needless to say, I reached New Mexico well after dark. The silhouetted landscape hinted at desert and mountains, but I'd have to wait until the next morning to actually see it.
And oh - it was definitely worth waiting for...
The Atomic Nerds are wonderful hosts, treating me to a tour of Los Alamos and more chile than I probably should have eaten.
The most amazing thing is that my adventure has only just started. Colorado is waiting.
You get a horizon line on the lake but there are real differences between the space and light out West than in the East. Hope you have a wonderful time.
Nice photo....though you could have gotten a little closer to the edge!
While you are out there you should go hunting for tin cans. It really is more fun than punching paper.
Wide open spaces, Breda.
Wide open spaces.
Watch out for the carne adovada!
Such wonderful views, I envy you and the other great bloggers that are gathering out there.
Could not find my plane ticket.lol
Keep us posted lucky girl.
See Ya
You're with Atomic Nerds? Did you meet Zydeco the psycho-Kitteh? Tails of his exploits are LEGENDARY.
Tomasito's in Santa Fe in the old Santa Fe RR station. Definitely the best Mexican food you'll find easily. There are better joints but not on the beaten path to anywhere. You'll hear the "state question" of NM in Tomasito's--"red or green?"
Worth the run up I-25.
Sounds like a blast!
welcome to God's Country!
You're spending lots of time in the SW lately, it seems. I think y'all need to move down to this neck of the woods.
See you tomorrow!
You're spending lots of time in the SW lately
and, really, who WOULDN'T want to spend lots of time down there?
i envy those who are fortunate enough to live in a place where you have the opportunity to see those gorgeous views on a daily basis.
"Chilli" is food, "Chile" is where M1895 and M1912 Mausers are from, indirectly.
Uh, Vaarok...numerous spellings are accurate and acceptable. Before you go correcting people, you should do your research.
Having lived in Los Alamos about a dozen years ago, I can attest to the beauty of the area. The scenery has recovered pretty well from the big Cerro Grande fire of 2000.
Jesus, vaarok. Is there anything you're not a fucking jackass about?
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