Give us this day our daily heart meds, and forgive us our vegetables, as we forgive those that have eaten vegetables. For Thine is the Bacon, and the macaroni that is solely for the holding of the Cheese. For ever and ever, or until the AED runs out of batteries.
I bow to beauty of the macaroni and cheese pie with bacon (and the bottle of tabasco on the side).
I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at it...
I've watched Paula Deen's show and have never seen her make anything even remotely healty....but it sure is tasty looking stuff.
If you make this be sure to reiterate your warning to Michelle Obama...
That's obscene.
Michelle O can eat two. By herself.
My wife is probably going to put a link to this in the divorce paperwork...
What a beautiful way to go.
Give us this day our daily heart meds, and forgive us our vegetables, as we forgive those that have eaten vegetables. For Thine is the Bacon, and the macaroni that is solely for the holding of the Cheese. For ever and ever, or until the AED runs out of batteries.
All it needs is a bottle of dark beer to go with it.
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