Sunday, July 17, 2011

an apple a day

But TWO apples?? zOMG!!


Alan said...

It's a good thing we have kittens to protect us from those dreadful apples.

Ambulance Driver said...

Silly kitten. Everyone knows there is nothing to fear from apples.

Now, pomengranates, on the other hand...

Kristophr said...

The kitten won, obviously.

( word verification: cationo )

Old NFO said...

I'd love to know what they FED the cat before that sequence was filmed :-)

Anonymous said...

That's a cat? I thought it was a highly evolved dust bunny...

Annie Mouse said...

thank you for this kitten video. I needed a smile today.

TBeck said...

Back off, man, I'm a predator! But first, I need to check my fur...

Laura said...

NFO - it's a kitten. there is no logic to their behavior. they can go from 0-60 and back to 0 in a matter of seconds.

doesn't change when they grow up,'s just less frequent.

DragonLW said...

Catnip...lots and lots of catnip...

Old NFO said...

Laura, THAT is why I have NO cats... :-)

Mike W. said...

It may not change when they grow up, but grown cats are far less cute that kittens.