Friday, July 22, 2011


The myth of safe places - one of the lies people* tell themselves so they can make it through the day.


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Lissa said...

"Why would you bring a pistol into the [library, fast food joint, park, mall etc.]? Are you expecting trouble?"

"Of course not! If I were expecting trouble I'd bring my rifle!"

Bubblehead Les. said...

Of course there are Safe Places! My local Library System is one of them, because the Librarians refuse to allow someone with Bare Arms to bring in a 12 Gauge! ; )

Weer'd Beard said...

What's really hilarious is Collin Goddard of the Brady Campaign is doing some good work to raise awareness on this.

He assumed as a Yuppie Blue-Blood spoiled brat that violence couldn't happen to him, especially in his French class.

Of course his argument falls apart when he goes on about hiding under your desk and getting shot 4 times is the best-case scenario, and the best bet is to turn the whole nation into his Virginia Tech French Class.....

I feel pretty safe here in my office. But I've been wrong before so Mr. 1911 is tagging along!

Mike W. said...

Yep. I really hate the "why would you want to carry a gun in ______?" It's a moronic question.

If I knew bad shit was going to go down in a certain place I'd stay the heck away.

Les - Wear your wookie suit! Solves the Bare Arms problem ;)

Jay G said...

"There is no safety this side of the grave". One of my favorite Heinlein quotes ("Stranger in a Strange Land").

There are no safe places. The best you can do is to make a safer place. We do this by keeping the best tools close at hand for repelling those who would harm us, and by maintaining awareness of our surroundings.

There is no law that can do either, if the "people" are unwilling.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Serious Time. Looks like Al-Queda just raised its Vile head in Oslo, Norway. Wonder how many Laws will be passed over there to keep the Sheeple happy?

Mad Saint Jack said...

I <3 Lissa

Bring a rifle and friends with rifles.

Old NFO said...

Lissa got it :-)

jdege said...

It's not the guns, it's the mindset.

It doesn't matter beans whether you have a gun or not, if your carefully-trained reaction to any kind of violence is to either state dumbfounded, or to run and hide.

Firehand said...

Couple of years back was at the library with a friend. He noticed one of the librarians having trouble opening a box, and offered to help. Out comes Swiss Army Knife, opens box. After which she, with a upset look, says "You're not supposed to have weapons in the library." Glare.

He was more polite than I, simply saying "This isn't a weapon, it's a tool." She still glared. Personally, not being anywhere near as tolerant of crap as I once was, would probably have said "So open your own damn boxes in the future."

Marty said...

There was a myth of a specific safe place.

It was an island camp in Norway...