Tuesday, July 26, 2011

welcome to Ohio!

Where men like Canton City Council President Allen Schulman would rather see me dead than let me carry a gun.

(oh, and for the record, Mr. Schulman? The only person that seemed like any sort of threat in the original video was the policeman threatening to execute someone for being stupid. Not exactly the guy I'd trust to keep me "safe.")


Weer'd Beard said...

What a smarmy asshole!

Oh and BTW unless you live in Canton there is NO WAY you could ever judge a police officer threatening to murder a handcuffed and compliant citizen.

He's also not good at any other facts.

I hope this jerk is defending Officer Roid Rage.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Charmer! I thought MD was bad. How long is that guy gonna keep his job?

Theredneckengineer said...

I see a big issue here.
He is apparently so used to being in a position of power, that he assumes that if he deems a law insane or counterproductive, then any actions taken against that law are not only permissible by any means possible, but are to be encouraged.

He does not seem to understand that the people contacting him from out of town are trying to give him a little tip, that in areas/states that have much more liberal carry laws, problems like officer Roid Rage do not exist. This is not to say that harassment of legal carriers does not happen, but that the people encouraging said harassment are punished for the abuse.

It's unfortunate that you have to live in the same state as someone who wishes you ill, simply because you wish to exercise your rights.

However, he won't be there long. If the Brady's get hold of this recording, I'm sure they'll offer him Helmke's old job.

Bob said...

He was bitching about the out-of-town emails he's received, he ain't seen nothing yet, I'd imagine. Dumbass didn't even mention the Constitution in his little rant.

Anonymous said...

If Mr. Schulman doesn't like the current laws, he COULD leave...maybe move to Chicago?

Old NFO said...

Sounds like HE needs to be fired too... sigh...

Jester said...

Nothing to see here, its your fault for following one of your rights. Whats next for this fine fellow, speaking out in public is too dangerous? The freedom of speech is completely insane!

An Ordinary American said...

My message to this asshat from an "out-of-towner" is simple.

I'm a retired executive with plenty of expendable income, an airplane, and a love of traveling in it with my wife.

We've spent a lot of time in Ohio, including Canton. After all, Canton is the home of the NFL pro football Hall of Fame, a trip we USED to make with regularity.

No more. We'll not spend another damned dime in Canton, Ohio so long as this jerkface has anything to do, officially, with the town.

If this asshole is representative of Canton, then that town is in serious, serious trouble.

Hopefully, his opponent will use this in the next election--against him.


Cloudbuster said...

If he's upset about the comments he got when the original video went viral, he's really gonna hate the comments he gets when this audio goes viral....

instinct said...

What a f***ing moron.

How DARE the plebeians carry weapons in the 'worst of conditions' - you know, the times when you actually might NEED to defend yourself.

How much you want to bet that El Presidente has a CCL?

JB Miller said...

I carry a gun because when seconds count, help is just minutes away.

In places where the cops can threaten to murder you it shows you why force CANNOT be held only by the police.

These asshats would be a lot more polite if they presumed everyone was armed.

Hil said...

"...they think that somehow by arming themselves, they're safe."

Well....yeah, we do think that. He thinks it's not common sense to carry a Ruger at 1:30 in the morning in a crime-ridden neighborhood? Really? That's pretty much the exact time and place where you MOST want to be carrying, no?

There's no arguing with people like this. Logic escapes them.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Funny. Sounds like a TYPICAL Ohio CITY Politician to me. Remember when Fende was running your town?

BTW, I wonder why Blogger won't let me read your Blog until the next day?

Mike W. said...

So carrying a gun in "the worst situations" is unacceptable and insane?

Funny, in reality "the worst situations" are those in which is is imperative that you carry your damn guns.

Maybe if his damn armed police officers weren't creating such "situations" we wouldn't be talking about this.

The most dangerous person in Canton legally carrying a gun wasn't any Ohio CCW holder, it was one of his own officers, Officer Harless. If he's going to go off and bitch about some BS direct it at the police, not at CCW holders who have done nothing wrong and have acted respectfully.

What an asshole. He has no respect for your rights.

North said...

He is getting comments from people out of town.

Nobody IN Canton would comment for fear of a severe beating by the police.

I hope the good people in Canton can escape their concentration camp.

Chris said...

What problem is he referring to? the only one I saw was a cop threatening to execute a citizen.

Karl said...

Thanks for posting! Added to ongoing blog post on this subject at Ushanka.us.


Bryan said...

Thanks for sharing the video. The more the merrier : )

m said...

Also, he mentions the police protecting the citizens. Apparently he isn't aware that the US Supreme Court has ruled on several occasions that it is not the job of the police to protect individuals.

TBeck said...

Well, the nut didn't fall far from the tree...

Robert Langham said...

How do these people get jobs of public responsibility and keep them?

Bryan Caskey said...

So he's not against "guns"; he's just against people having them. Thanks for clearing that up. What a knuckle-head. I hope some "in-town folks" you know...the only people who apparently matter, vote this d-bag out of office.

Ken said...

+1 to An Ordinary American. I wrote as much to the Chamber of Commerce down that way. If they have any sense remaining, they'll fund his next opponent.

T said...

So instead of being appalled at the actions of an out of control police officer, he's appalled that people from across the country are concerned about said police officer? Instead of defending himself and throwing the officer under the bus, he defends the officer and throws the citizenry under the bus? Wow.