Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Like peanut butter jelly

Librarians and hobos, it's a meme. Or something.

(&, no - we don't offer lotion. However, there is hand sanitizer available at the reference desk, though I've heard it stings like a bitch.)

Thanks to Jim Treacher, who is awesome and sent this to me on Facebook!


Bubblehead Les. said...

However, this movie may not come to fruition. The Rodeo Drive Radicals seem to have spent too much money backing their favorite Marxists, and many big Flop Busters are being Cancelled due to lack of funds and people willing to go into a Multiplex at 10 bucks a head. For example: $280 million for the Lone Ranger, just because Johnny Depp is playing Tonto? Disney said "No Way."

So I guess the Hobos will just have to keep hanging out behind the Stacks. Guess you'll need the Super Size Hand Sanitizer for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Gee, and I felt put upon because everyone wants paper clips and a 3 hole punch. I think you need special hobo lotion, fortified with lye.

Willorith said...

I like the sting.

Old NFO said...

I really don't see how you put up with what you do... :-)

Guffaw in AZ said...

Unicorns and Glitter! No?

Kristophr said...

Just mark the sanitizer as hand lotion.

It5's good for them.

CoolChange©© said...

My life for you! Oops, that was Trashcan in "The Stand" Sorry, wrong movie. Wrong burn.

Smokey Behr said...

I wonder where we could get a central sanitizer dispenser system installed. We go through gallons of it every month, and the hobos aren't using it for "salting their pretzel".