Monday, August 22, 2011


Well, Northcoast II is fast approaching and unfortunately (for you), I've got to stop taking RSVPs. Space is very limited and my mom can only make so much potato salad.

But stay tuned for the after action reports - food, friends, and some really big guns.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Of course, some nameless Blog Thief will be whining that this is just another piece of evidence that there is a Black List.

Mike W. said...

Well yeah Les, Breda has the list and she's checking it twice. No assholes may attend.

That said, I'll bet the naughty gunbloggers all get to go. Naughty people are more fun, right?

Marty said...

I might go. Depends on if there is anything good on TV that weekend...

Old NFO said...

See ya there.