Thursday, August 4, 2011

pedal to the mettle

W & the Wounded Warriors. Good men, good cause.


Bubblehead Les. said...

Where's that picture of the Anointed One tooling around DC on the borrowed bike? Okay Class, your assignment is to Compare and Contrast....

Mike W. said...

Thanks for the reminder Breda. I'd been meaning to add their donation link to my blog for a while now. This reminded me to actually do it.

An Ordinary American said...

I have a link to donate to Wounded Warriors on my blog and your excellent, excellent post reminded me to use it MYSELF every once in a while.

Had to wipe my face a couple of times first, though.

I miss my buddies.


Lissa said...

Bionic Heroes kick ass ;-)

Ed Rasimus said...

Real event, real people, real respect, real concern...versus staged, plastic, artificial, contrived phony.

Compared and contrasted. Prosecution rests.

WV: "dereal" as in "He's de real deal"

Old NFO said...

Agree with Ed, period...

Anonymous said...

A former president nearly 3 times my age can kick my ass on a bike?

Must. Work. Out. MOAR!

Dannytheman said...

People often ask me why I liked Bush Jr. so much. Right there in that video is why. He is funny, self depreciating and a man's man.

Way to go W!!

North said...

They (WW) are my major charity for this year.