Saturday, August 13, 2011

You, too, can own this awesome shirt.

Tactical black, emblazoned with an AK-47ish rifle, and asks the question that just may bring down the Obama administration (if the economy doesn't get them first). Besides, we all need another tshirt, so why not let it be one as cool as this?

Hurry over to Sean Sorrentino's NC Guns and order one today!

& Special thanks to my anonymous tshirt donor! The small really did fit perfectly!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Guffaw in AZ said...

Very cool! And what a great photo of you!

Jay G said...

While Breda makes anything look good, that's a fine looking T-shirt all on its own...

Broken Andy said...

Ummm... not that I really know better, but isn't the question on the shirt grammatically incorrect? It says "Am I the only person on the planet THAT didn’t get guns from the ATF?" But shouldn't it say "Am I the only person on the planet WHO didn’t get guns from the ATF?"

Mike W. said...

Very cool shirt! Great pic too Breda!

Sean D Sorrentino said...

@Andy: You are right that the absolutely grammatically correct word is"who," but that is what my original comment said, so we are going to stick with it.

Thanks for the link Breda. I am holding orders open until Monday or Tuesday, and the shirts will ship in the first week of September.

Old NFO said...

Good one and Sean is a class act! :-)

Knitebane said...

Please note that the shirt makes "Spot the Fed" at your local gunshow a trivial matter.

I had a guy wearing Fed shoes and sporting a Fed haircut come to a screeching halt in front of me at last weekend's Dixie Gun and Knife show in Raleigh.

He gave the the evil eye for several seconds before turning on his heel and vanishing into the crowd.

Thanks Sean!

Bubblehead Les. said...

Good shirt, and I'm glad that he has FULL Rights to it.

Now if you two could only come to an agreement about Open Carrying 12 Gauges in the Library.....; )

Glenn B said...

Nice shirt.

Now praytell, maybe the person who left the comment, can riddle me this: What in Hades are you talking about when you say:

"I had a guy wearing Fed shoes and sporting a Fed haircut..."

John B said...

I think you got a nice hat to go with that shirt...

John B said...

Sorry, I think you HAVE a nice hat that would go with said shirt!

Firehand said...

Wore mine to a gun show two weekends back; LOTS of good reactions and "Where?" Then wore it to a local folk dance group; about half laughing their ass off, the other half trying to ignore it.

'Course, when I wore the 'Celebrate Diversity' shirt a few people just about had coronaries...