Wednesday, September 14, 2011

watch for signs

This photo was taken behind the library by MikeW when I was giving him and Alan a little "Life of  Breda" tour around Willoughby and its environs.

As you can see, two of our local youths are taking a break from their myriad skateboarding adventures. Exhausting work being that cool, you know. Also, I suspect the tight pants restrict circulation and therefore blood oxygenation. (To the brain, mostly.) This popular daily hangout area is actually the library's back parking lot, reserved for library employees. The window on the left is where our intrepid library director is able to survey her domain, the door on the right is where employees enter and exit the building and on the wall between them is a sign that reads:

"NO Skateboarding or Rollerblading Permitted"

I'm sure you can imagine why I don't put much faith in the sign that is on the front of the building.
It looks a lot like this:


Mike W. said...

"I suspect the tight pants restrict circulation and therefore blood oxygenation. (To the brain, mostly)"

And thankfully to the nether regions of these miscreants as well....

An Ordinary American said...

Is that the "legal" no-guns sign for Ohio?

In Texas, we have the 30.06 sign and the law is extremely specific as to the color and size and content of the sign. Any one thing wrong and it is null and void and has no legal authority.

I go through Ohio several times a year, which is why I'm wondering about the sign you posted.


Tom said...

In ohio as long as there is a sign it is legal. It can be drawn in crayon as long as says no firearms, no guns, no weapons, or has the red circle and slash and a silouhette of a gun its legal. I would love to see a 30.06 type law in ohio.

Anonymous said...

The signs in Ohio have to be "obvious". As the whole point is silly (if a weapon is noticed, you get asked to leave, if you don't leave, you get a trespass violation.)I don't see the point, myself.

Weer'd Beard said...

There are these signs on Route 128 in Massachusetts that say "55 MPH" they work just as well...

Mike W. said...

Weerd - Yep, the signs that read "55 MPH" on I-95 near Wilmington may as well read "Go 55 and DIE you slow MF'er!"

Yes, the law / sign might say 55, but it'd be downright dangerous to do that in certain areas during heavy traffic, which might be why no one does.

Bubblehead Les. said...

Sadly, with our State Attorney Generalisimo Mike Dewine in charge (who had a C- NRA rating when he was our RINO U.S. Senator), I don't expect much change in the near term. But hey! He did just sign CCW Reciprocity with Louisiana, so come Mardi Gras, it's Bersa's on Bourbon Street! (Hint! Hint! Nudge! Nudge! Wink! Wink!)

February in Willoughby, or February in New Orleans? Something tells me Mom Fallacy can watch the Kitties, and work should be slow for Big Mike...

John A said...

Well, in the pic they are "open carrying" rather than using.

I would ask, is there some [safe] place they can go? When I was in High School, the owner of a pond (OK, swamp) that kids had been using for several generations (at least one Olympic ice-skating contender learned there) donated it to the city. Which promptly drained and filled it as hazardous (I think one kid fell in back in the 1920s - and stood up and walked out). But OK, they made a couple of baseball fields there. Oh, but then put a ten-foot fence around it. And complained about kids hanging out at the drugstore...

Glenn B said...

Miscreants? Who?? Do you mean those two kids who apparently have been enjoying skateboarding and are taking a break with a bottle of soda/water and maybe a pack of chewing gum to the left of the seated one on the ground. No cigarettes, no marijuana, no crack pipes, no straws to snort cocaine, no beers, no booze, a nice smile for the camera, no flipping the bird with a nasty look/smile, heck they look like 2 young all American kids who are probably on the right track hanging out behind a library in broad daylight! Then again, a picture is worth a thousand words; none of them that necessarily describe what was going on when the photo was taken. I just imagine, they are a lot like the people who do not like those no guns allowed signs, don't ya think!

All the best,
Glenn B

Glenn B said...

By the way, did you notice, if he was left handed (the one standing), he may have been going for his concealed carry piece.

Old NFO said...

Yep, just proves 'criminals' don't obey laws...

breda said...

@GlennB, they smoke plenty out there, trust me.

Marty said...

There is an old saying, "It's a sign, not a cop."

Sigivald said...

Those pants aren't tight. They're loose enough to be wrinkly.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a skater in tight pants. I believe it would interfere with the skating.

FatWhiteMan said...

Mike DeWine is sharp on both ends (like a turd). He has received and read the pro-gun memo--he knows it took a lot of Republican votes to throw him out of the Senate and why. He may be a Brady licking tool but he now knows what he has to do now and I think we can expect pro-gun actions by the Attorney General. He may not be a believer but he knows that there is nothing at all to gain from an anti-gun stance and career politicians are all about gaining stuff.

If you can't convert them, the next best thing is to control them.

Shy Wolf said...

When it comes to the kids hanging out in the parkiing lot skateboarding or just tooling around in circles on their bikes, or walking hand-in-hand, or whatever else it is they're doing- so long as it isn't destroying any property, harming anyone (other than possibly themselves), what the hell difference does it make?
We live in a country based on a Constitution we claim protects our freedoms of choice, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness- then we get on high horses and bitch and piss and moan because someone is exercising those rights.
I just simply don't get it. Not at all.
Can someone explain to me- like maybe Breda- just what the hell these kids are doing that is really wrong?
Otherwise, STFU and let them live.

SDN said...

Shy Wolf, we also live in a country with a litigation fetish and a trial bar. And there's nothing they like better than to wheel in some kid left paralyzed after his ego wrote a check his body couldn't cash, and tell 12 morons on a jury "the only reason he's this way is because the library created an "Attractive Nuisance" that allowed him to try it. Now Evil Insurance Company won't pay!" And the jury will say "They can afford it. Guilty."

wv: dingnit: the larval stage of the dingbat.

breda said...

Not only that, but we've had fights, graffiti, vandalism...they've even set fires a time or two. They come in to use the restroom and intentionally stuff the toilets full of paper towels. They are so loud, belligerent, and aggressive when asked to be quiet or leave that Ive stopped dealing with them entirely, and just call the police instead. These are just a few examples.

So until you've worked as a public librarian and have had to deal with the same amount of crap we do, please just hush.

ASM826 said...

Skateboarding, concealed carry, driving whatever speed you like, and many, many more examples. You can do anything until someone stops you.

Shy Wolf said...

True- there are those who will press their luck and vandalize with paint and light fires and litter- but by admission here these kids were taking a break from 'boarding, doing nothing wrong but maybe wearing pants in ways some don't approve of. Maybe they were smoking or popping their gum as they talked. Maybe they were doing nothing but talking about the person taking their picture, making bets on how long it'd be before the po-po came to chase them away.
But they were doing nothing wrong is the point. Until they do commit a no-no, they should be free to practice their liberties.
And we all know what should be done with people who file lawsuits for stupidity on their part.

breda said...

Perhaps I need to start issuing a sarcasm warning on my posts for those who have trouble with reading comprehension.

Since you're having trouble, allow me to clarify further:

1. These are two members of the gang of pain in the ass miscreants I see every single day while I'm working at the library.

2. The library parking lot is not a skateboarding area nor is it a hangout or a playground.

3. Don't try to be an authority on a subject you know nothing about.

Alan said...

There needs to be something like a rule 34 for apologists.

No matter what the bad behavior is, someone on the Internet will make excuses for it

Mike W. said...

"Not only that, but we've had fights, graffiti, vandalism...they've even set fires a time or two. They come in to use the restroom and intentionally stuff the toilets full of paper towels. They are so loud, belligerent, and aggressive when asked to be quiet or leave that Ive stopped dealing with them entirely, and just call the police instead. "

So you've got this BS on top of hobos and stupid people? Jesus. I feel for ya Breda, I really do.

ShyWolf - Did you read the whole post, because it seems as if you've missed the entire point.