Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why you should worship your librarian.

This. A million times this.

(plus, you know... all that hobo slaying is kind of awesome, too.)

H/t Cowboy Blob


Marty said...

That article is a good start.

Ed Rasimus said...

I knew that! Really I did. After ten years on the Board at Pikes Peak Library District, I knew that! Librarians are magical people.

Randy said...

I have never meet you and only know you from fairly recently starting to read your blog, but I can picture you saying this:

"I bring order to chaos. I bring wisdom and culture to the masses. I preserve every aspect of human knowledge. And I will kick the crap out of anyone who says otherwise!"

Seriously, I have loved libraries since they had paper card catalogs and have a lot of respect for librarians. Good job.

breda said...

Yeah, I guess that sounds like me. ;)

Montie said...


Librarian "hobo slaying", a daily occurrence in the central downtown branch of the local city/county library, where we get to go collect them after the librarians are finished dealing with them. Every day they descend on the library like zombies from the apocolypse, only to be thwarted in their efforts at book thievery, washroom sink bathing and computer pornography seeking by the wily and fearless librarians, who, I have to say, take no crap from the local hobos. they don't even complain other than the occassional, eewwww!! when reporting on particularly vulgar activity that they had to intervene in.

Mike W. said...

Damn right Breda is magical. She's an elf! :P

I wish I'd had a libarian like the lady in the article. Instead I had crabby old ladies who made me not like the library.

Willorith said...

Hobos are respectable men, down on their luck, that travel around and work.

Tramps are disreputable men that travel around and don't work.

Bums are disreputable men that don't travel around and don't work.

Don't be confusing hobos, tramps, and bums. It could lead to friction and confrontation.

Montie said...


I think that the type that Breda and I were referencing are the ones we actually refer to here in my line of work as "habs", shorthand for "habitual arrestee".

JC said...

I recall reading a phrase: "never anger the librarians, for they rule the world". It might have been the Bible, but was probably Robert Heinlein.

Windy Wilson said...

Willorith is right; Hobos are willing to work, Tramps and Bums act like they're allergic or something.

Windy Wilson said...

And I'm going to have to share that article with two librarians I know.