Friday, October 21, 2011

remember all those rapes at Tea Parties?

Yeah, me neither.

But a bunch of self-proclaimed feminist pacifists all working for social justice and fighting for human rights and equality are reportedly, at least in some small way, condoning rape?* What? How? This cannot possibly be true!

But no, it's not fake - and it seems to be a trend. The organizers of Occupy Cleveland (where there has been a documented rape) are planning to "reach out" and offer counseling so that another such incident will not occur.

So, yeah - the Occupiers' answer to rapists in their midst seems to be holding hands around the drum circle chanting, "Rape is bad, mkay?" while passing a bong, crapping on police cars and begging for someone else to pay off all those student loans (that they voluntarily took on, mind you) for their womyn's studies/interpretive dance degree. Oh, and they also insist that rapists will not be "welcome" at Occupy events. Shunned by hippies, that'll teach 'em.

The 99% does not speak for me.

* Rape-rape, you know.


Mike W. said...

speaking of rapes at OWS protests, I ran across this article yesterday

"members of the protest group who believe they are victims or who suspect sexual abuse "are encouraged to immediately report the incident to the Security Committee," which will investigate and "supply the abuser with counseling resources."

They are discouraging police involvement, offering "counseling" for the fucking RAPIST. and telling victims to report rapes / assaults to the protest groups own internal "security committee"

These people disgust me.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

People keep asking me... "Why do you hate Hippies, T-Bolt?"

SayUncle said...

Oh for fuck's sake. What is wrong with people.

Lazy Bike Commuter said...

Every time I think I can't hate someone more, they manage to prove me wrong.

Hil said...

I know this is totally not your main point but I swear, very few things make me as mad as the whole "Forgive student loans to stimulate the economy" movement. I mean my gosh, are they freaking serious?

breda said...

Oh, yeah. They're serious all right.

Jay G said...

So, according to these nimrods, rapists need "counseling" but "white kids" who come from middle class families need their heads lopped off?

Sure. Sounds perfectly logical.

If anybody wants me, I'll be loading magazines...

OrangeNeck said...

There's a lyric in an Alan Parson's song that goes like this:

"You lie down with dogs and get up with fleas"

Sid said...

There is also a line in a Toby Keith song that goes like this:

"We'll put a boot in your ass. It's the American way."

I don't think writing an ethics guide for rapists is a very effective way to address a felony.

Skip said...

So, I would guess that these would not be areas to OC?

wv- washi
Yeah, they could use some.

Laura said...

Skip, at least in Baltimore, you wouldn't be able to carry. At all. At least, not legally. And if you DID have a permit? You'd probably get treated like a criminal, since permits are so incredibly rare in Maryland.

Joseph said...

These little groups are sounding and acting an awful lot like "People's Soviets" from a not too long ago era.