Thursday, October 20, 2011

Some gunbloggers seem to think the "Ohio safari" is funny. Or darkly funny.

Oh, okay...let's see...a lot of beautiful endangered animals lived miserable lives and died miserable deaths all because of one crazy, selfish, miserable fuck's vanity.


What a knee slapper.


Mike W. said...

18 bengal tigers died. There are less than 1500 alive total. That is a tragedy.

That said, I understand why it had to be done. You can't exactly just have 18 tigers and a bunch of other big cats roaming around Ohio.

Newbius said...

The actual event was a tragedy, no doubt. The animals did not deserve to be caged their entire lives, and the sheriff might have been able to wait until the zoo people came and corralled the animals. *Might*.

However, if Leo or Tony walks across my lawn while I am outside, I am emptying my .45 into him. Of course, this will result in Federal prosecution for violations of the Endangered Species Act (and unlike the outcome for the LEOs who did the exact same thing-being an Only One has perks).

With all that said, if the Zombie Apocalypse hits the USofA, you just KNOW that the zoos will empty. So, the thought of an urban big-game safari is a possibility... (yes, I am being darkly funny.)


Anonymous said...

"ONE crazy, selfish, miserable fuck's vanity."
Are you sure it was one? I'm sure that PETA/ELF/HSUS etc. can read "Unintended Consequences" too. Hell, they probably thought the tigers would do as good a job of evidence-disposal as pigs would. Sorry, but the evidence presented in the media does not add up.

Tam said...

I'll be sure to submit future wisecracks for approval.

breda said...

That's okay, I don't normally read gunblogs anymore anyway.

Tam said...

(I will further submit that there's a difference between "thinking something is funny" and "making jokes about something that is not, in itself, funny" but I just don't have the energy to saddle up the llama right now.)

Matthew said...

Making jokes in the face of horrible events is normal, see "foxhole humor". "Comedy is tragedy plus time", but there's no lower limit on how short of time is "proper".

Psychologically, making jokes is a healthy response to terrible events, in this case would some arbitrary period of mourning have been better?

breda said...

Perhaps I have an abnormal sense of humor. I don't think Monty Python is funny either.

Tam said...

"I don't think Monty Python is funny either."

I'd say it's an acquired taste, but when my mom said that about liver, I replied "So's drinking motor oil!"

Mike W. said...

I tried acquiring a taste for Monty Python (some friends are huge fans) and I never could sit through a whole movie.

TBeck said...

See, approaching Monty Python as simply "humor" misses the subtext. Monty Python is a brilliant collection of performance art exploring the human condition. Silly walks and all.

Cincinnatus said...

If Monty Python had stayed in its cage, the SWAT team wouldn't have shot it.

Weer'd Beard said...

OK Robin, THAT was funny!


Hobie said...

First, I am saddened that these animals were kept as they were by an obviously deranged person who's insane logic put them in such a position that the local police saw no alternative to shooting them before he killed himself thus proving that the circumstance was the product of a deranged mind.

However, being the product of a career in the military and thus exposed to decades of dark humor I can't say that I'm in the least offended by anything I've read on the subject however much it might attempt to be humorous.

I don't care much for a lot of the Monty Python stuff myself, but I'm not offended by it. I do remember that the Flying Circus was much more entertaining when sitting in front of the barracks TV watching while attempting to dry the bottom of a bottle of Canadian Mist...