But for someone, say a petite, slightly curvy, librarian type person, who has trouble concealing even a Bersa Thunder .380?
It's just right.
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daily arsenal |
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first two mags - 12 rds., @25 ft. |
And as a carry experiment yesterday, I put on my tightest jeans, a tank top, a long sleeved tshirt, a gunbelt, my new IWB holster (which is so small I admit I laughed out loud when it arrived via UPS), and the LCP. I had a spare magazine in my front pocket. When Mike came home from work, we chatted while I puttered around in the kitchen. He kept not mentioning the gun. Finally I stood directly in front of him and asked, "Well? Notice anything?"
He looked. Looked again. Nope.
"I put on my tightest jeans, a tank top, a long sleeved tshirt, a gunbelt..."
Need pics.
Alan beat me to it!
Out of curiosity, how much thicker is it than an Iphone, and could you pocket carry it in the back pocket of those jeans?
I've had my eye on that same gun for a year now. Its size is both its greatest asset (conceal-ability) and its greatest problem (recoil sucks). Just haven't decided if one outweighs the other yet, so I haven't bought one. But I probably will.
The LCP seems to be a little over twice as thick as the iPhone. And no, no back pocket carry for me. My butt is too big.
Hil, I'd definitely recommend it for carry, but not for fun times at the range.
Ah, I'd forgotten that. :P I'm guessing front pocket carry is a no-go too, given most non-frumpy women's jeans?
Some how I think my big mitts and long ass fingers would make that thing a huge pain to shoot.
Good acquisition, Breda. I'd like to buy an LCP myself sometime in the near future.
I've been planning on snagging one at some point soon as well, despite my large hands. I've handled them a couple times and they feel fine for a little gun. Maybe that'll be my "Hooray for CCW!" purchase next month.
Congratulations from Sammy and me! It is tiny. Sam, I think, would like one in pink! Personally I have been holding out for the little Sig clone of the old Colt .380's. Old loves die hard. Pictures, we must have lots of pictures!
Let us know what you think a little down the road? I'm keeping an eye out for little gun reviews so when I finally manage to get my license I have a better idea what I want for guns.
That is a good feeling. The other day when sis-in-law was shooting my Beretta 21A, a guy asked if I carried it. I said "No .22 is a bit small for my tastes, I carry a .45" And swept back my Shirt to show my 1911.
He said "WOW! I didn't even see it!" Best compliment EVER!
Breda: I strongly recommend getting the laser for the LCP as I have in a picture at the end of this post: http://northwest1524.blogspot.com/2011/07/gun-porn-smith-bodyguard-380.html
Yay! Congrats, Breda; I think you'll get along well with the LCP!
Mike, I have a P3AT, which is essentially the same gun. It fits in my back pocket just fine.
Try the Radom p64. It is in 9x18 Makarov and is all steel with a 6+1 cap. It is about the same size and runs about $150. Single action trigger is light and crisp. It is a double action too but you may not believe it at first, it runs about 25 pounds. Recoil is..why they call it the Polish pounder. Somewhat snappy.
I'm not sure your husband is a valid test subject. As I told mine, if I stood in front of him in tight jeans & a tank top, I could have a rifle shoved down my pants & he wouldn't notice. ;-)
In all seriousness, the pic is fantastic at showing scale. I have a friend interested in one; I'm going to point her toward this post.
I'm a big, burly guy and I LOVE the Ruger LCP! It is hands down my favorite carry gun. The gun slips into the right front pocket, two extra magazines into the left front pocket, and nobody is ever the wiser.
And that, is exactly why the diminutive little LCP falls into my right front pocket every day. It goes everywhere so easily. Other guns are carried in various situations, but the LCP is completely innocuous in nearly all situations and environments.
"ampin" the LCP love
After test driving one up at Jay's Northeast Shoot, along with an LC9, I still don't like its trigger, but for keeping Skateboarders away from the back door of the Library....; )
Wonder if it'll hurt T-Bolt?
I have bought 4 of them. 3 as gifts and 1 for me. It lives in my left hip pocket. gives a little balance to the 1911 on my right hip.
An adult human female friend of mine had trouble overcoming the recoil spring to work the slide. wants to trade for the LCR .357.
Wife has one and loves it. She frequently surprises people by admitting that she is armed and they cannot tell otherwise. We both agree that it is not a whole lot of fun on the range. But it is a wonderful choice for concealed carry.
Mrs. DT has been wearing one for a couple years now.
She likes it.
I have owned the LCP since shortly after they came out. It is my go anywhere gun. While it is definitely not my favorite at the range, its carry time is the inverse of my .380 ammo usage.
I agree with North that you should consider the laser for it. The sights on the LCP are not great, and my Crimson Trace laser makes all the difference when shooting in less than optimal light. (It does make finding a holster a bit challenging though!)
Similar item, I have a Kel-Tec P3AT that I pocket carry from time to time when concealment is paramount.
It rides in a Don Hume 002 back pocket holster, and for all intents and purposes, unless you already knew I don't carry a traditional wallet, its invisible.
That said 7 rounds of 380 doesn't instill quite as much confidence as 13 rounds of 45, with my throwing arm it beats the heck outta rocks.
My dad thought mine was so neat he had to go out and get one himself
I second on considering a laser for it. I've tried the Crimson Trace on one, and it's nice.
"I put on my tightest jeans, a tank top, a long sleeved tshirt..."
Like he's gonna see a gun.
Test Fail.
Galco has a pocket holster for Glock 19 that is a good fit. I think Crimson Trace actually sells it for LCP as 81-3135 GALCO POCKET PROTECTOR HOLSTER.
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