Sunday, October 28, 2007

kitten update.

(all photos clickable to view)
Tighe and Ronan are doing well...eating like little furry black holes of kibble, trying to get kitten wrestling accepted as an Olympic event, and working to win everyone over. For this, they have two tactics: cuteness or sheer force of will. (you will cuddle us and play with us!! YOU WILL! Resistance really is futile.)

This is Tighe attempting the cute approach with Oona. When the kittens get sleepy they want to snuggle (and nurse. Helpful tip: ALWAYS wear a shirt around kittens). Oona does not seem amused.

Ronan forcing his affections on Desmond, who has the patience of a saint.

Kittens are small and adorable for a reason. It makes the naughtiness bearable.

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