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Time to gather and dry herbs, to try and save some flavor to season the winter months. The garden is mostly done although I expect some plants to be fine through the winter. It wouldn't be the first time I've dug through snow to find the chives.Other garden writing here...
yay daddy longlegs!
I usually end up harvesting Swiss chard into the winter. My tomatoes, squash, and tomatillos are all gone for this season though. :>(
So many people throw away what's on the vine when frost hits. Tomatoes and peppers are still good after frost; they just are done growing, and will rot away if left on the vine. Bring them in, prepare them for canning, drying or freezing, or simmer them into sauces and freeze what you can't gorge. Green late tomatoes, especially, are flavorful, full-bodied, and make a salsa that scares the living crap out of your super-bowl guests. And what's a daddy long-legs or two between friends?
Mr. Longlegs will live a happy and productive life if he stays out of my house...and my salsa bowl.
You have every right to feel kind of pouty that nobody has said it yet: that is a very artistic photo composition. Commercially overprinted ad nauseam, it would be welcome on many a cubicle wall masquerading as executive workspace. Especially with a LOLSpider caption. "Cm hthr, prty Fly."
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