Monday, October 22, 2007

This is beauty.

Aimee Mullins again. Record holding athlete, runway model, actress...and double amputee.

Here is a photo of some of the prosthetics in her collection. I've also seen photos of her wearing gorgeous crystal legs.

There's no reason for me to look like everyone else.
Not really. Not anymore.


Laura said...

oh wow...the wood carved legs? GORGEOUS!!

Anonymous said...

We'll know we finally have all our appendages on straight when Madonna worries about whether she can get into an Aimee Mullins video...

You mean to tell me you're only a 'minor cosmetic' tube-insert, and a trade-in, away from being 5-foot-thirteen?
I don't know if I'd have the character to resist doing it.

breda said...

Comatus (shaggy, yes?) - I'm not a double. I am decidedly unsymmetrical...and doomed to shortness.

Tam said...

"...and in her spare time, she discovered a Unified Field Theory!"

Christ, I feel like such a slacker.

breda said...

Tam - this won't make you feel any better, but it's worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Tube-inerts are the expensive way people with meat legs get themelves, um, improved. The other side is easy; any good gunstock carver can set you right up. Pink available...

(shaggy, yes?) --If applied to a mushroom. In the Gallic Commentaries, "long-haired" (et divisa in partes tres).

NotClauswitz said...

Chuck Z. the tank commander who got blowed-up by an IED, talked at the GBR about Dana Bowman, the Army Golden Knight parachutist who lost both legs in a mid-air skydiving collision - and how he worked to improve the standard Army-issue prosthesis including inventing the re-curved aspect to the legs (what Chuck said anyhow ?) so he could run and do other things - and became the first double amputee to re-enlist in the Army. And the Army let him back in because he could actually complete his qualification runs (ahead of many others, besides) and everything...
Anyhow that was spoken about in the context of the new bionic arms they're developing and issuing - you get a regular wooden one or "Dress Arm", a simple hook for the handyman stuff, and a bionic one for intensive task-related stuff.

Anonymous said...

Yeah dirt, one thing you can say about particularly nasty wars is that they result in breakthroughs in this field, trauma care, and palliative drugs. Sissies may say that without war, there wouldn't be a market for these. We know better.