Wednesday, January 30, 2008

libraries, they're not just for movies anymore

click the image to see an absolutely brilliant idea!
This person is clearly a genius.

I wish I had thought of it first - this is revolutionary, people!
This might change the world!

(someone please tell me it's a joke)

H/T to my LJ buddy, falnfenix


Rustmeister said...

Kids, they think they've invented everything. =)

The Duck said...

somehow it's not a surprise

Earl said...

Reading, someone isn't doing enough of it - he will never catch up to his sister and his business, whatever it will be is doomed until he finds out about libraries.

Carteach said...

I would love to say it's a joke....
But I work with teenagers.

I couldn't swear it is, seen too many weird things.

Like.... when our school clocks went analog for a while on the screens (video clocks), half the kids could no longer tell time.
It was too much work to figure out the whole 'hands' thing....

NotClauswitz said...

Yeh that's it, rent out the books - but first put 'em on MP3 so they can just listen (we know how they
re such good listeners and all) and don't have to actually, like read them - pretty soon we'll be knocking on the 16th Century...

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. Have to share that one with the boss.

We're always hearing talk of "profit centers" and there's never enough money for acquisitions. So maybe "pay to play" is an idea whose time has come. Especially since we've already become fine hawks and are sending the true deadbeats to collections.

Ace said...

You mean those places exist?

I thought they were a myth...

*runs away really fast because librarians are more dangerous than ninjas*

Anonymous said...

Middle-aged mutant ninja librarian

breda said...

I'm middle aged? =O