Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have an enormous girl-crush on Rachel Lucas and I've been too shy to add her to my blogroll, even though I read her daily. It's embarrassing, really. I'm like the dorky girl in grade school who sent a note to the smart, pretty cheerleader - "Will you be my friend? Circle: yes or no" In an attempt to be cool, the i's were dotted with little puffy hearts and the note was decorated with sparkly unicorn stickers. (Not that I have any experience with this personally, of course.)

But I can't hide my admiration anymore - today she wrote about women's self-defense. And her pistol. And smashing in someone's eye sockets.

My kind of girl. We could totally be BFF.


doubletrouble said...

Yeah, me too. I've got a girl crush on her... no, wait, that would be a REGULAR crush I guess.

AND, smashing in someone's eye socket w/the butt of yer pistol?
Good times...


And so? She's one of the big guns, but your ownself is pretty damn entertaining as well, & I (& everyone else around here)enjoy your ravings.

Notwithstanding the fact that you're a gun totin' Irish Librarian babe to boot...

phlegmfatale said...

Wow - have never read her before, but she had me at the dog picture. :)

Good stuff, there. I see why you're crushing on her!

Nicki said...

I've been reading her for a while. Even though she supports McCain, I still absolutely adore her blog! ;-)

Anonymous said...

HA! Do you know what stuns me more than anything else, ever? People referring to me as anything remotely like "one of the cool kids". I am the biggest dork on your blogroll, guaranteed.

Got here via my Technorati links page. I dig it. Added you to my 'roll. We are now BFF.

P.S. I LOVE the thing on your sidebar about offering to help women go shootin'. Have you had people take you up on it? I've always thought all us girls should help each other out like that but I'm too lazy to do it myself.

Reno Sepulveda said...

It's bad enough that I eat quiche, now it seems like most all my favorite gun bloggers are women. I'd gone from reading Kim du Toit to Tamara. Now Rachel Lukas is back then Breda you hooked me with your Why Mommy is a Democrat post. I'll bet you can even belch louder than me after a couple pints.

I think I need to buy a really big gun.

breda said...

Rachel - Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!

I've introduced a handful of women (and my brother) to shooting. (links below the chick) It's cool to be able to actually witness a person's opinion changing. After the first few shots, they all get this grin and voila! Another convert.

Nicki said...

Rachel, dorkwise, I have you beat. Guaranteed. I may quite possibly be the biggest nerd on the east coast. I have Scrabble parties, ferpetessake!

Tam said...

She is totally one of my blogging role models.