Thursday, September 25, 2008

bleg for our shutterbug

He defines the fight for our Second Amendment rights with beautiful images like these...

...but now Oleg Volk is fighting to win back The High Road. Please help him if you can.


excitedVulcan said...

Zowie! I was just checking out some pics on Oleg's site last night. (part of a discussion on The High Road had been an invaluable part of my gun-surfing experience.

Christina RN LMT said...

Posted about the that, oh, seven or eight more people hear about it! Hey, every little bit helps, right?!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Breda, I can't access your site from work, because otherwise I would have given you this info sooner.

Oleg can't access his LJ from work, so he couldn't post the update himself. He sent it to me, and I've updated my site with the latest info from him.

Robert Langham said...

I consider myself hard to shock...but I'm shocked at this one. THR belongs to Oleg Volk, period.

ASM826 said...

He needs to open a new forum. Let THR go, open up the new one. Then spend his contributions on servers, software, and equipment, not lawyers. I'd contribute to that.