When you become a blogger you write your thoughts down, hit the publish button and send them out into the world, hoping for the best. You can never quite expect what will happen after that or what exactly people will remember about you.
So when my friend Phlegmmy (
who just got her CHL, whoohoo! Congrats!) said that she had a surprise for me, I couldn't guess at all what it might be*...
Robb is plagiarizing my recipes,
Lissa is wondering why I don't have a bacon tag (I should probably fix that),
Borepatch devised a plan for endless pig candy and I can't tell you how many people have emailed me about the
Bacon Explosion.
So I guess it's official. I'm a bacon blogger now.
* I'm not sure smoky and meaty translates to fresh breath, but the floss was fun and I love the packaging. Looks almost patriotic with that fabulous cobalt polish I'm wearing in the photo. (Phlegmmy sent that too. She's such a doll.)
I wonder if you have ever heard of Archie McPhee. It's this awesome little store in the Ballard district in Seattle. I've been shopping there since I was just a wee little one.
They have an entire collection of bacon-flavored items, including (but not limited to) bacon gum, bacon air fresheners, bacon bandaids, bacon toothpicks, everything.
:) Glad to know there's a librarian out there who likes bacon as much as I do.
(PS I'm just a lowly library technician AKA database maintenance assistant AKA Cataloging bitch. I'M NOT WORTHY!)
I forget which food network show had this on but they made bacon infused scotch/whiskey. They took bacon drippings (still hot) and poured it into a glass of scotch/whiskey. They swirled it around a bit and let the bacon grease cool and coagulate. I don't remember if the bacon fat went to the bottom or floated to the top. I think it sank to the bottom b/c it's denser than alcohol; I could be wrong. But anyway, after the bacon grease separated from the scotch/whiskey, they poured it into a clean snifter and drank it. They said it was pretty durned tasty.
Sould help repel jhihad terrorists.
I need a BLT... :-)
Hurrah!! Happy nomming and flossing!
I made your Pig Candy for a Christmas family reunion--it was a HUGE hit!
Our oldest son was a vegetarian for a few years--he said the hardest meat to give up was bacon. And yes, he loved the pig candy.
Keep up the bacon blogging, Breda!
Lemme see. Tomorrow AM (meaning 11 at the earliest) I think I will have good coffee, bacon, eggs, couch, kitties, in that order. The bacon floss I'm a little unsure about, though.
So, there I was tonight in my kitchen, making Breda's pig candy for tomorrow's blogger party while Old NFO and aepilot Jim are talking to me. I thought of you. Wish you were here for the gathering, kiddo. It's gonna be a good one. Your pig candy will represent you well, though. :)
And there is always these guys, who think everything should taste like bacon.
IMO the ultimate homage to odd bacon products is posted here:
Bacon air freshener, too!
damn, I thought this was going to be a post about Biggie...
Oh well... I guess bacon'll do...
Hey Breda, you're like almost a week ahead of Insty!
Next he'll be posting about shooting a .380 ...
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