Cute but I need to be serious. The slow loris is a threatened species and therefore illegal to keep as a pet. I'm fairly sure these people are commiting multiple felonies. There may be exceptions but if this continues that species will become extinct directly because of the pet trade. This video does not help.
The loris looks like a Lemure so I googled it. Not even in the same animal class but they sure look similar. My big Male Maine Coon Mix would love that little guy. No - not to eat, just to play with.
Awwww...see that huge smile on its face? Priceless!!
Cute? You want cute?
Cute is you and Mike. Happy Anniversary you two!
Isn't your Monday a little bit better? Yes, it is. Thank you!
Can it load magazines?
WV: coddle
Gaah. Shouldn't have looked. Now I'm going to have nightmares about those vacant dish-sized eyes staring at me...
But does he do laundry?
hehehe- Thanks!
I bet it tastes like chicken...
So cute... IwantIwantIwant!!!
I dunno about that anteater, but I just wanna cuddle this baby porcupine forever and ever.
don't give it chicken after midnight. happy anniversary. or expose it to sunlight.
Cute but I need to be serious. The slow loris is a threatened species and therefore illegal to keep as a pet. I'm fairly sure these people are commiting multiple felonies. There may be exceptions but if this continues that species will become extinct directly because of the pet trade. This video does not help.
zomg! Do want!
Tickle Me Monkey! A hit with the kids!
And it secretes poison from its elbows, which is maybe the coolest superpower in the primate family.
Yes, because the pet business has been so bad for tigers.
The loris looks like a Lemure so I googled it. Not even in the same animal class but they sure look similar. My big Male Maine Coon Mix would love that little guy. No - not to eat, just to play with.
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