Going to the pool or the beach as a leg amputee can sometimes be a trial. You have to remove your prosthetics, figure out a way to get to the water (by either hopping, crawling or being carried) and then on top of all that, you become the object of stares...
But now...we can make everyone jealous.(p.s. It's no mermaid tail but I've decided to take my bikini to Arizona. You know, just in case there's a pool and I work up the gumption. I haven't gone swimming in over 5 years, so YAY ME.)
See if you can find a copy of Arnold Federbush's "The Man Who Lived in Inner Space."
The subject and main character character might appeal...
Take care-
Saw that when it slid across Gizmodo's page... and, yes, I am horribly jealous. Equipment like that is just too darned cool, and seems like it would be too much fun once you got the hang of it.
Somehow I don't think they are staring at your leg(s)... just sayin'.
Did you see this on Hot Air?
I keep mentioning that you are going to be famous after Phoenix, but there is no reason to start a media riot in the pool area!
I love it! Have fun in AZ. I'm envious!
btw - this is your drive-by squeeeing. I'm back online. Have missed your blog.
Your personality reminds me of a more 'Annie Oakley' version of Aimee Mullins... http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/aimee_mullins_prosthetic_aesthetics.html
Why not have mermaid "legs"?
Best wishes.
If someone rudely stares at the scars on my head, I consider it their problem, not mine. Surely it is the same for your lower leg!? Swim like the Mermaid (Fully Armed, Marine Division) that you are, Dear Breda, and to Hell with scurvy dogs and their stares!
I have an very old and good friend that is a "below the knee amputee".
In our younger days when he first lost his leg we used to go to the beach together, drink a few beers, check out the babes etc.
He would get as close as possible to the water then take off his prosthetic. I'd help him the rest of the way and then carry his prostetic back to where our towels, cooler etc were on the beach.
There was more than one time when my buddy first lost his leg that some wiseass made rude comments or laughed. It always enraged me (I have a short fuse when it comes to assholes) and I would get in the person's face. I still have a scar on one of my knuckles where this one beach bully wouldn't shutup and refused to let it go. He lost a tooth. I got a few stitches in my hand. My buddy was a little embarassed.
My one-legged buddy fnally told me that he'd rather I did not make a big deal out of it when people made rude comments about him.
He told me after awhile that he had learned that his missing leg was less of a problem to him than the mind of person that made fun of such things is to them.
In other words he said what goes around comes around. His attitude after awhile was and I quote his exact words, "Joe, I'm like a one-legged duck. I swim around in circles and don't give a fuck. Those people can kiss my ass."
After that he has never let anyone spoil his fun. I can't say that I understand what it's like because I am not an amputee but I think everyone would do well that is one to try and develop the same attitude as my buddy.
We are both pushing 60 now and he still has the same attitude. He lost his leg when he was 19.
I guess this was a little long winded but what I'm trying to say is go ahead and have your fun. Don't let assholes with childish minds hold you back. Put on your bikini. Go to the pool and above all be proud of who you are. If someone doesn't like it fuck'em.
Have fun on your trip. Don't let anyone spoil it for you.
P.S. - I know my language is a little harsh at times so please edit as you see fit. :-)
Note to Breda's hubby: Take pictures of Breda in the bikini, and make sure you share them with us. You know we all have a librarian fetish... ;@)
Go swimming.
If I kept out of public because of my psorosis or didn't take my shirt off because of my belly, I'd have really boring summers... you've seen how I spend my summers. You know they're not boring.
And here's another cool upgrade:
I'll make ya one any time. I'm not WETA, but I know folks who worked with them and can do anything with enough time or money. Got plenty of time.
Ahhh... the littlest heavily armed mermaid.
Go to the pool!!!
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