Despite the always awesome Dave Grossman being quoted throughout, the article was full of the usual self-defense "tips," some of them even sensible. Be prepared (carry "mugger's money"). Be ready to react (yell "fire!" instead of "help!"). Don't be an easy target (turn off your iPod while jogging). There was even a handy little diagram entitled "Kung Fu You Already Knew" that reminded us that every time we check a melon for ripeness in the grocery store, we are making the same motion as goudging out a bad guy's eyeballs.
There was only one sentence that referred to using a firearm for protection. We're warned to that we really need to know how to handle one, otherwise we're better off getting a dog with a loud bark.
My favorite tips, however, were the ones about rape. It's suggested we destroy the rapist's idealized girlfriend fantasy by telling him "You're hurting me" and "I don't like this." Note his disguise & put up more of a fight for a masked rapist, because he might be planning on more than just rape. (Oh, just rape. Not dangerous at all, really. Pish posh.)
And, ladies, when a rapist is holding you down, punching you in the face, strangling you, and/or tearing your clothes off, always remember to "Resist passively with body language: Keep your legs together and arms crossed to give him subtle cues of opposition."* Or in other words, lay back and think of England, it'll all be over soon.
*yes, that's direct quote from the article
I'm of the opinion that the "subtle cues" should be in the form of multiple jacketed hollowpoints.
Now, you know I agree with you, but I also want to remind everyone that having a gun != self defense.
Joe, For The Win!
Nothing says "don't rape me" like a dead rapist.
Breda, remember from Facebook- think of handbags, not England!
Passive resistence my ass! The only "passive" action that should be involved is the recoil of the pistol chambering the next round and cocking the hammer.
"And, ladies, when a rapist is holding you down, punching you in the face, strangling you, and/or tearing your clothes off, always remember to "Resist passively with body language: Keep your legs together and arms crossed to give him subtle cues of opposition."* Or in other words, lay back and think of England, it'll all be over soon."
Or you could just stick the business end of your bersa in his mouth and pull the trigger until the attacker falls over.
I'm just sayin'...
P.S. - I am 6'-4" and almost 300lbs. I regularly make my wife, daughters and grandaughter do practice drills with me and a plastic (toy) gun. The women in my family will surprise any attacker. I guarantee.
Wow... what a crock of... um... excrement.
The whole "destroy the rapist's idealized girlfriend fantasy by telling him "You're hurting me" and "I don't like this."" is pure bunk. Rapists who have the delusion that the woman "really likes him" are the exception, not the rule. Rape is typically about power. It's about making a woman do what the rapist WANTS her to do. Many rapists are MORE turned on by the whole "your hurting me" bit. Thats why they hit, thats why they bite, thats why they do... well... other things.
That is why the only real effective defence to an attempted rape is a superior offence. Take away the rapists power, take away his control. The usual disparity of force between the average male rapist and the average female prospective victum means that unless the woman is a serious bad ass (and the rapist didn't notice and go pick another victum) the woman needs a weapon of some sort.
Note the age old Colt firearms add line "and Sam Colt made them equal".
ps, I do not claim that any of the previous applys to the situation where a female is raping a male. I have never been able to get my head around that one (I'm not a woman) and it's such a small edge case anyway. Now as a fantasy, Hmmm... maybe...
Speaking of rape, and the proper response thereunto, did you catch any of this story?
Unless there's a passive way to tear a rapist's balls off and make him eat them, I have to wonder if the author of that article has ever actually been in a fight with a man. Hell, I know just from wrestling my dad for the remote that most grown men can kick the ass of most grown women without too much trouble. What's next, holding your breath until you turn blue and the rapist goes away?
Be sure to catch next month's article: Roadrunner safety tips, by Wile E. Coyote.
What does the article say about 13 year-olds defending themselves when stoned on champagne and Quaaludes? Think about starring in the rapists next movie: "Butt Pirates"?
The "passive hint" I recommend is decomposition.
The on the part of the rapist, that is.
My first and only thought concerning that edition was, "Would the Reader's Digest mind not pointing firearms at me?" thanks to the way the magazine was situated at Wallyworld.
Somehow, I am not surprised that the rest of the article was equally as useless. I do not think I will ever understand why people will encourage other people to be victims... The only thing a woman should be thinking about when attacked by a rapist is getting her front sight on target, and the only thing passive about the situation should be his body after the threat has been neutralized. Advocating anything else is simply despicable.
Typical leftist bullshit. They don't even let women carry pepper spray anymore in a lot of areas because it's " too dangerous" and a "weapon". And if you kill your attacker you'll be put in jail for several years or even sued by the low life retard if they survive or by their family if they don't survive. The left is so soft on crime. They want to give them generous welfare checks rather than the death penalty. I'm surprised they didn't recommend shitting and pissing yourself though. That would probably deter some picky rapists. It might turn some of the extra creepy ones on though.
So called "self defense experts" who think that rape is about a girlfriend fantasy need to have their own fantasies disrupted.
They didn't include the Chicago PD advice: "crap on yourself and say you're pregnant"?
Guess that's not "passive" enough for them...
Just shoot the sumbitch ferchristsake.
Passive cues? Are they bug nuts?
Scratch bite gouge pinch punch kick gnaw and or bite off any part of him that you can reach.
Make him twice as miserable as he is attempting to make you, if you don't have a firearm to end the situation in an immediate manner.
"Don't Be A Victim" doesn't stop when all the precautions like keeping your head up and walking with a purpose fail. It includes refusing to passively allow ANYONE to hurt you.
Or at least that's my take on it.
I used to read RD all the time, but alas, in the last few years, there seems to be a decidedly Leftist drift to the content of the mag.
I mean, I don't care what Drew Barrymore thinks about ANYTHING. If I wanted to read that kind of crap, I'd read PEOPLE magazine.
If the editors of RD REALLY wanted to put out effective and useful SD info, they'd have Clint Smith write 'em an article.
Nothing says 'Back off' quite like a sucking chest wound. In each lung.
Heh... I wonder if Breda's library has a copy of W.E. Fairbairn's booklet "Hand's Off!"
Saw the same Reader's Digest and had the same thoughts. Wife's getting a .357 for Christmas after seeing that article...
Being rape is an act of violence, it needs to be actively resisted. Preferably with deadly force. I can't believe they still advise this same s**t from 30 years ago.
I want to reinforce the point Robb made though that having a gun does not equal self defense. In fact, unless someone is willing to get the proper instruction, having a firearm can actually be a poor self defense choice. Guns are not magical anti-rapist/criminal talismans
I skimmed the same article a week ago. I had the same reaction as you Breda. This is crap. Might as well have entitled it "A Sheep's Guide to Being Raped and Being Ok with it."
Mugger's money?!! Be prepared and keep a bit of "mugger's money" handy? Are they effing kidding me? My God.
It sold you the magazine, and that is the whole point of it. -- Lyle
Lyle. It did not sell her the magazine. Please read more carefully before you comment. Your remarks do not contribute to the discussion.
Ruksana Kausar showed the way with an AK-47 last week in Kashmir. 12 rounds in one of the attackers. THAT is how you stop rape.
Personally, I recommend you destroy the rapist's idealized girlfriend fantasy by killing him.
Feel free to improvise that last part as you see fit. Pre-mortem castration optional.
Having a gun != self-defense. Just because I own a gun doesn't mean I, or my wife, would be able to use it in a life or death situation.
Yes, thank you, everyone. I TOTALLY REALIZE that a gun != self defense and that it is not a magical talisman. I am not a retard. SHEESH.
Of course, in teh midst of being held down for rape, I suspect your average female, with no training, could figure out how to screw a revolver into someone's body and pull the trigger until loud noises stop.
A gun + no training is STILL better than no training + nothing. Hell, the stats on defensive gun use illustrate the fact that simply being able to PRODUCE a gun is likely to deter the attack!
Not that I advocate assuming that one will be able to use a gun effectively without training and mindset, but it is possible to figure out the basics at contact range. That's been demonstrated by hundreds (or thousands) of armed, but otherwise unprepared, people succeeding.
So, to recap:
Gun + training + mindset > Gun + mindset > Gun + training > No gun.
Besides, don't the actual FBI-compiled statistics work out to, "The harder and more effectively the rape victim fights, the less likely she is to be hurt"?
mindset is the key. Without the mindset to resist, the tools, or the training are ineffective.
I have been reading a book that I think has some excellent advice (That put a grin on your face, didn't it)... The book is "No Second Chance: A reality-based guide to Self-Defense" by Mark Hatmaker
Chapter 24 Targets... under the sub-section labeled "Groin Ripping (Penis)" 'in cases of rape and other sexual assault, the male genitalia may be exposed, easy to access and aroused, which eases access...... the penis... a firm grip, twist and sharp pull down or to the side (results in penial fracturing)
Previous post continued:
sub-section Groin Ripping (testicles): '... A crushing grip accompanied by twisting and ripping ... Tear the scrotal sac against the grain by ripping eitherto the left or the right. Crushing and ripping the testicles in any direction will cause injury, but ripping to the side assists the potential for tearing the skin.'
Also, don't forget that when being forced into oral sex... 'Use the incisorsto clamp down with all your might.' ... 'Twist and pull to either side.'
ditto for the testicles... 'just do only one testicle'
One last food for thought.how much room do -you- need in order to sucessfully present your defensive weapon of choice? Take note of that sphere and become mindful that when the unknown approaches that boundary, you need to be getting into you social, defensive posture. Get your mindset together now.
Breda, I wasn't talking to you - I was talking to your commenters. Besides, you know me; I get tired of people constantly saying "well, she should buy a gun" and then leaving it at that. Of all people, you should know that's not a criticism directed at you, but rather an indicment of a lot of the dudes in the gun culture.
But Caleb, there's a flip side to teh comment, "Just because I own a gun doesn't mean I, or my wife, would be able to use it in a life or death situation."
That is, "Just because I don't have training doesn't mean I am absolutely unable to use a firearm for protection, anywhere or ever."
YES, training is key. Without training, your chances of success are lower. Significantly lower.
But Hell's Bells, when push comes to shove, plenty of people have managed to figure it out when crunch time arrived.
In the majority of the "Armed Citizen" cases I've read over the past, what, 20 years?, the armed citizen had little or no training in self defence, yet was successful.
Just as "having a gun" doesn't automatically equal "being prepared", "not having training" doesn't equal "helpless", either.
Nor does "having a gun", "having the right mindset", and "having good training" automatically equal "being prepared". Sometimes, you're just screwed by circumstances outside your preparation or capability.
Oh my god, you're stalking me now.
Okay, is it just me or does anyone else think that it might not be the best idea, when someone is pointing a gun at you, to yell "fire"...
I thought you were supposed to talk in a condescending voice, telling him that he needs help from a psychologist.
Or regularly pretend - I mean really visualize and believe it - that a punching bag (or a pistol target) is the bad guy so that you know what to do if, God forbid, the time comes.
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