Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's holy water, I swear.

Himself has been in the poitín.

You know, back in the old days in Ireland, everyone would have felt sorry for poor old Joe and matched him up with a lovely girl from the neighboring village - aye, a bit slow but pretty enough in the face, to be sure. She'd fix him his tea, remind him to wash before Mass, and put another piece of turf on the fire so he didn't freeze to death in the winter. Sitting quietly together one evening, she'd look at the portrait of JFK hanging above the mantle, tenderly pat Joe's hand and say, "See, Joe? Anything's possible in Amerikay."

And indeed it is.


Old NFO said...

Sigh... it's getting to the point that it isn't funny anymore...

WV- Voidable Is Biden voidable???

Mike W. said...

I don't know whether to be ashamed or just glad that he's not representing Delaware anymore.

Joanna said...

Burrrrrrn ...

Anonymous said...

Has anyone told Joe that a closed mouth gathers no feet?


Ken said...

Crazy Years? Heinlein was a Pollyanna.

BobG said...

"You know, back in the old days in Ireland, everyone would have felt sorry for poor old Joe"

And a couple of thousand years ago they would have thrown him into a wicker man and lit it up.

Scott said...

Well, at least this time around it's mainly the vice president with native tongue issues.
There must be some wonderful comments such as the above archived somewhere when it was the president hisself regularly cutting loose with shit like this.
I'm sure they're there.

Paul, Dammit! said...

My sainted mother says of such people, "Och, bless his sainted mother fer na walkin' out tae the moors and leavin him for the sidhe."

Tam said...

Bless his heart.

doubletrouble said...

If we get you drug up here for the summer blogshoot, I may just brew up a fresh batch of poteen jus' for you...