Sunday, September 5, 2010

chilly kitties

The first truly brisk night of late summer means finding a fleece blanket to throw on the bed, sleeping in a pile of cats, and someone deciding to make biscuits* on various parts of your anatomy at 3AM. If the vigorous massage doesn't wake you, the rumbly purr sure will.

*that weird paw thing cats do, also known as kneading, treading, making prickle bread (with claws), etc.

- Posted from my iPhone


Alan said...

Speaking of bellies that won't pet themselves! You've got some work to do.

Jay G said...

Boy, I was worried that "biscuits" meant something else...

Eric said...

There used to be a tuxedo cat that lived near the neighborhood mailbox and he loved to polish my shoes! I made the mistake of wearing flip flops to get the mail one day and he nearly tickled me to death!

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention, both of mine were beside I when I woke up this morning.


doubletrouble said...

CC's out of the cellar & onto the bed.
Must be fall...

Old NFO said...

Another reason I don't do cats... :-)

hiroshi_tea said...

when cats knead you, they're actually checking your internal organs for weakness. They will use that knowledge in the future to take over your home :p

Lissa said...

I call it "making muffins" :)

Snarky said...

Kitty biscuits! <3

daleosborn said...

I really, really like my cats but I draw the line at letting them in the bedroom at night. They can come in first thing in the morning but they stay out until then.