Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You keep using that word...

Well, at least they're starting to put it in quotes now. I guess that's something.


bluesun said...

Apparently (looking at the picture) lots of people don't like them little ol' pocket pistols. Or more likely a bunch of people traded up for an LCP...

Tam said...

While the FIE and the pot metal junk won't be missed, it's a shame somebody got rid of those Sauers.


Alan said...

I'm sure someone will get them.

Anonymous said...

Surrendered, huh? That about says it all about what the media thinks of gun ownership.


Willorith said...

Isn't it redundant to say Cleveland, rainy, and cold. Particularly in November?

lelnet said...

"Surrendered, huh? That about says it all about what the media thinks of gun ownership."

Oh, I think it's quite an accurate term. We are the people. The state is our enemy. And despite the fact that, at least on the gun front, we haven't lost a single battle in over a decade, some people are determined to surrender.

Michael W. said...

I would bet you a fat man (and here he sits) that the weapons that they show in that photo are NOT ones that were turned in recently. The I.D. tags that are on them look like they have been kept as example weapons in a forensic lab. More than likely a stock photo provided by the P.D.

Mike W. said...

I'd also bet that many nice and/or valuable guns that get turned in do not end up getting melted down.

The whole concept of a "buyback," not to mention the fact that it's a blatant misnomer really irks me.

Heath J said...

I'd still rather see the better ones in a cop's safe than have em' tossed in a blast furnace.

And for "buying back", CPD got friggin robbed, from the looks of that pic. Mostly Junk

Weetabix said...

I'm with Michael W. My first thought was that those weren't handed in, they're on display. Look at the mounts and the brass hang tags.

I wonder how much trouble you'd get in, if you set up a table outside the "buyback" and told people to go see what the cops were offering, and you'd give 10% more.