Friday, September 23, 2011

bloglife crisis

Just as I'm thrashing around in the midst of a full blown "OMG, I hate the internet and blogs and writing and who cares anyway, screw you free ice cream" snit, Blogger goes and changes their interface, making it very minimalistic and...oh-so very blank. It's like the canvases that have been propped up on my easel for, like, ages and ages now, just taunting me.

But I picked up a paint brush yesterday for the first time since forever ago and, then's a landscape.


Marty said...

I support this behavior.

Mike W. said...

Painting > blogging. Go for it!

Just remember two things.

1. You're supposed to drink while you paint. Van Gogh said so.

2. Pantslessness is required while painting (at a minimum)

North said...

#2 What if you paint houses?

DaddyBear said...

Enjoy yourself. Do this or that because you enjoy it.

We'll be here when you have something you need to say with words instead of oils or watercolors.

And pics of your work would be great!

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Pics of paintings, post to blog.

NotClauswitz said...

I picked up a brush yesterday, and a roller - had some touch-up work to finish-off. It took more time to get the ladder and lay the tarp, and then clean-up than the work itself.

breda said...

I painted the bathroom, the kitchen and the front hall this summer. Still need to do the upstairs hall. Sigh.

Don M said...

Paint? Isn't that a kind of horse?

Charles Lee Scudder said...

It would suck to loose The Breda. Heck I only started blogging because of you and other great bloggers.

SayUncle said...

This post is not really useless without pics but they would help.

Robert Langham said...

Plein aire? Let's see an image! I like landscape.

Jay G said...

This is encouraging. Paint all you want, when you want, how you want. Let the only person dictating what you put to canvas be a tiny menace named Breda...

Old NFO said...

Do what ever feels right :-)

Bubblehead Les. said...

Don't worry about BlogFodder and energy. Save your energy for Obama's upcoming Re-Anointment Campaign against his Republitard Challanger.....

Or you could go to the Range and get some Trigger Time.

Drang said...

Well, there's always shooting at paint-filed balloons. It works for Gunny and Jeremy Clarkson. (No, wait, Clarkson used paintball rounds. N'mind.)

Me, I looked at the new interface, said "Meh", and went back to the one I was used to.