Thursday, September 22, 2011

this year's hot new accessory

I do not know what the heck goes on at New York's fashion week...

But at least they've got Rule 3 figured out.

(if you've got time and/or a serious case of boredom, hit that link. Much WTFLOLery.)


Alan said...

That's not fashion, it's a Halloween costume contest.

Weer'd Beard said...

Well now we know what they did with all those H&K XM8 rifles after the Army voted them down as a buggy turd...

Broken Andy said...

Yes, tons of WTFLOLery!

Newbius said...

That's an entire season of What Not To Wear.

Hil said...

That can't be REAL, right? People aren't THAT ridiculous, right? They're all trying to outdo each other on the weirdo scale.

Mike W. said...

oh my god! Guns ARE bad news for women!....

Bubblehead Les. said...

The last time I saw such Foolishness in Clothing, Rutger Hauer was being chased by Harrison Ford.

HerrBGone said...

Makes Blade Runner look tame by comparison.

Unknown said...

The real question is how did they get an "assault weapon" w/ the ever dangerous "assault clip" into New York without breaking the much heralded & needed gun control laws? Maybe next flying to visit family I can just drop I'm going to a fashion show & not worry about being arrested.

NotClauswitz said...

Daring? The "Skull-a-tor" mask is something a lot of motorcyclist wear to keep their face from freezing - that's been around for years.
Daring - ha! Fashion is one of the most conservative cliques there is, with only minor variations within a stolid theme. Mainly they *think* they're being daring - but the gay-honey dress-up thing has been around since the Byzantine Empire.

iainmcphersn said...

Addams family reunion?

Mr Evilwrench said...

Yeah, they snuck it in by it being an airsoft. They used gloss black spraypaint on the orange part, but doesn't that make it illegal too?

Ken said...

First thing I thought was, "Hey, at least trigger discipline!"

Dannytheman said...

Designer bags for the really ugly girls??? Is that the equivalent of the 2 bagger? Is it Kevlar?

Who would really ever wear that?

Cormac said...

I got about 30 pictures in before I thought "this might not even be photoshopped...

These people scare the hell out of me!!!