Sunday, November 6, 2011

I know!

Maybe the girls of OWS should have a slut walk! Or walk in groups, rape whistles in hand. Or, hey, maybe they could all wear burqas!

Free, but not easy.

Or, perhaps, just perhaps...they could aspire to the same liberty of the Tea Party protester shown above.

(h/t Snarkybytes)


Mike W. said...

I'd recommend a drop shipment of steel, brass & lead, but they'd need common sense first.

The rape problem in OWS is really quite sad, but it's their response to the problem that really irks me.

Ed Rasimus said...

Bring them together and their society deteriorates in days rather than years. I wonder how they are going to get all those people into 16 square feet? Someone should explain the difference of a 16-foot square.

The symbolism of the destruction of their individualism and their concentration into communes is probably lost.

Jay G said...

I wonder of Boston has extra whistles they could send?

Alan said...

Jail the women while the monsters roam free. No wonder the left love the Muslims, they're kindred spirits.

PPPP said...

So the reporter doesn't understand the difference between 16 ft square and 16 square feet. Pretty common mistake actually, and not just for reporters.


"The 16-square-foot military frame tent is designed to shelter up to 30 women . . ."

Doing the math, that is 8.53 square feet per person if filled with 30 women. Let's see: at bedtime that equates to 30 spaces 5.7' x 1.5', or 2' x 4', or for tall women 1' x 8', but they have to sleep on one side only and stretched straight out and can't roll over without encroaching on someone else's space. And that's also not taking into consideration the fact that 16' x 16' doesn't divide out evenly using the most practical measurement of the 5.7' x 1.5'.

On a separate aspect of the problems they're having:

As is fairly typical of "can't we all just get along" types, they are ignoring some basic facts of the human species.

1) Evil people exist, and they really are out to get you.
2) If you don't want to be a victim, recognize #1 and do something to prevent it ahead of time.
3) Avoiding the evil people and hiding all the potential victims in a special place doesn't usually work. It just concentrates the victims in a smaller location.
3) Deterrence works when the consequences of an action so far outweigh the benefits. And even then some will ignore that fact, so you must be prepared to invoke the consequences quickly and without hesitation.
4) Kumbaya is a song. And a nice thought. And completely ignores the reality of life on this planet.

Tam said...


I'm sure there are bunks in the women's detention facility; a 16' frame tent is fairly capacious, after all.

ADS said...

You don't need guns, let the slutwalk crew show you how to fight off a rapist!

Matt G said...

16' frame tents, bunk beds... when are they going to just pour a slab and get some flush toilets and showers (for ornament, not actually to be used by dirty hippies), and a mess hall, and....

Leave it to hippies to turn Wall Street into ShantyTown.

When does the housing bureau get onto them?

God, Gals, Guns, Grub said...

Gotta love those sexy curves wrapped up in that tight little package... hey, I'm referring to that Ruger SR9 in that black Kydex holster...

Dann in Ohio

Abby said...

As long as they don't actually breed...

Nice blog, I linked over here from Agg79.

Old NFO said...

That young lady would NEVER fit in, obviously she has her act together...

PPPP said...

Tam -

Yeah, I know bunk beds exist. I'll also admit I forgot about them when writing though. :-)

Still, an interesting choice of words you used: women's detention facility. Apropos, as they are punishing the women for being women, rather than dealing with the scuzzy criminals preying on the women.

Mike W. said...

That woman needs a pretty 1911!

Robert Langham said...

If they have a slut-walk, lets hope they all put a Van Holten pickle in their pocket.

Anonymous said...

I really think that they meant 16' square, not 16 sq/ft. That would get awfully crowded.
I took my wife and a good friend (& former fiance) to a Slutwalk event. It was interesting, to say the least.
I'd bet that the wife & I were two of the few (if not the only two) carry permit holders there, although the friend did have two knives (she prefers edged weapons).

Drang said...

30 people in an ARFAB tent? Never in my entire Army career...

Then again, in the Army we tended to be a bit more concerned about hygiene than #O(wherever).

HlynkaCG said...

I would invite the young lady pictured out to dinner. Any other comments on my part (especially about the OWS crowd) would be inappropriate for a family blog.

Windy Wilson said...

I think the OWS crowd should put the women into burkas. The women should know where the policies they support will lead.

Windy Wilson said...

I'm a mole for the NRA inside the Sierra Club here in La la land. I recall a conversation with a woman at an event in which she described how a man in the meetup group went with her and other women to a shooting range to familiarize the women with pistols. She said it felt "empowering". Haven't seen her since, so I don't know what resulted, but she didn't say she wanted to force her will on others, and I haven't read about any rampages, so . . .
Interestingly that had to be a non-Sierra Club event, since it is in the bylaws that firearms cannot be present at SC events. That's also why I didn't go to Alaska with the Sierra Club. My ancestors did not fight so hard to let me intentionally put myself at a lower point on the food chain.